Backing Up Your Systems

As a personal computer owner nothing stinks more than having a computer crash and losing everything! I can only image what that pain is for those who run businesses. When my computer crashed for the first time, and I had to reinstall the operating system I lost hundreds of photos. At the time I was clueless about backing up my important files. Thankfully now I know to back them up every so often to a external harddrive. But what happens {Read More}

Bye-Bye Feedburner Sign Up for our Newsletter

I just recently learned that Google is getting rid of feedburner. Instead of moving everyone over I am going to leave it so that you can subscribe via your favorite reader or you can subscribe to our new Newsletter. I am doing it this way for those who would rather only be notified of reviews/giveaways and important information. If you would like to be kept up to date on all the things going on please sign up for our Newsletter. {Read More}

Alternatives to Watering the Garden

I think a lot of the reasons my garden dies is because of the heat! Tennessee heat is unbearable at times and you just want to stay inside, this leads to a dead garden. With the rise in food prices next year I really want to do a garden, so I have been thinking about maybe having lawn sprinkler systems installed. I can have it on a timer so it comes on at different parts of the day. I also {Read More}

The Price of Gas

With everything currently going on with Libya I wouldn’t be surprised to see the price at the pump sky rocket. I can say I am thankful to be in an area where the prices have stayed pretty stable. I don’t understand how one area can be over $4 a gallon or close to that, and others be just above $3. About 5 miles from my home at a local Kroger gas is $3.65. However if I go to the next {Read More}

Going all Natural

Sometimes going all natural can be a challenge. Everyday most people put things into their body that not only help them but also can harm them. I am currently on several different medications for my depression, anxiety, and arthritis in my knees. These medications come with some yucky side effects, and can cause me more damage down the road. If I could find a product that would help me, and was all natural I would jump at the chance to {Read More}

Why Use Email Marketing for your Business

If you own a business or even run a blog, you know that marketing is a must. If you want to be seen you have to do what you can to make it happen. Over the years I have learned many things about word of mouth advertising and marketing. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools there is, so if enough people know about you and your product the better. Mad Mimi email marketing newsletter is {Read More}