Small Business Owners New Tax Form

How many of you own a small business? Do you claim all those deductions? When my husband was working I did it the fast way, I know we missed a lot of deductions but I honestly wasn’t worried about it. This year I will be making sure we get all the deductions we can possibly get! How many of you take your taxes in and have them done? Brought To By

General Hospital Fans Say GoodBye To Steve Burton

I have been watching General Hospital for years. I started watching when I was about 10 with my mom, now my daughter watches them with me. We have seen many characters come and go, and we have even seen two of our favorites canceled. When I heard of the news that Steve Burton was leaving General Hospital I was devastated. Steve Burton plays the role of Jason Morgan. While Jason is supposed to be Sonny’s right hand man, there is {Read More}

Gold and Silver Fever!

Have you thought about the future? With the price of the dollar dropping it is only smart to change the way we think about things. Time to slowly start purchasing gold and silver, because it is only a matter of time before our money is worth nothing. With the price of gold and silver going up, making this investment now, would be smart. Presented By visit

Painting, Painting, and Painting Some More!

We have lived in our current location off and on for the past 13 years. We own the place, but it never felt like home. I guess I always had my heart set on being back in Michigan. I grew up there and my family is all there so deep down I refused to make this place home even though it was. Since being back I have decided to make it home. I have my pictures on the wall, and {Read More}

Heading Back To College? Rent Those Books!

Last year I made attempts to head back to school; however, things happened and I ended up canceling everything out. I guess the fact I have been out of school for over 17 years had something to do with it. I would love to one day go back, but I know now isn’t the time. Before I made the decision to step back, I had all my classes picked out as well as the books I was going to need. {Read More}

Ugh @ Appointments

I dislike going to the doctor, it seems like more time is spent in the waiting room. So when my daughter has these appointments I dread them. Today we had a dentist appointment, the last one went about the same as this one, we show up we sit, we wait, some other people come in after us, they get called back while we wait longer, then others come in and they get called back… Finally 30 minutes after my daughters {Read More}