MyBlogSpark and General Mills

A few years back I use to do things for MyBlogSpark. For those of you who are unsure what MyBlogSpark is let me fill you in a little… Coyne PR and General Mills are the companies behind MyBlogSpark. It was created basically to give bloggers a chance to try new products, and to let their readers know what they thought. While also giving one lucky reader a chance to win a neat gift pack. Through the MyBlogSpark platform Coyne PR {Read More}

Photo Calendars Make Great Christmas Gifts

Wow only 56 days until Christmas! We are now less than 2 months away, and most everyone is in full swing with all the Christmas shopping. I know as soon as we eat Thanksgiving dinner, our tree is going up. This year I am super excited about Christmas, we don’t have much money but it is about being with family. When it comes to gift giving I like to get the extended family photo calendars. Photo calendars are those products {Read More}

Gift Cards and the Blahs

I love gift cards, but they have a downside to them, I recently went to order something online with a gift card, and low and behold you CANNOT use this online, it has to be used at a store location. Which defeats the whole purpose of me trying to save money. The closest store is in Memphis, which is about an hour drive… Granted I have a few gift cards I could use while in Memphis, I dislike Memphis with {Read More}

Planning A Family Vacation To Hawaii

As one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, the islands of Hawaii offer visitors scenic beauty and a wide variety of attraction hot spots. Although there are several island destinations in Hawaii, the oldest of them is Kauai. The island is over 500 square miles and is home to many vacation lodging choices. Finding the best vacation rentals in Kauai is one of the first things any vacationing family should do when they begin planning their trip. {Read More}

Prayers For Those On The East Coast

I hope everyone that was in the path of Sandy are safe! I have only seen pictures of the destruction Sandy has brought onto our friends and family on the east coast. If you were in the paths, please be safe and know we are all thinking and praying that the clean up will be quick.    

Living with Diabetes

Diabetes is one of those silent killers. If you are not tested for it and it goes undiscovered it can slowly kill your body. With diabetes running strong on both sides of the family for my daughter, we have her checked regularly. When she was two we were told she was borderline, now that she is older her blood sugar runs normal. Recently, our nephew in law moved in with us, and he is type 2 diabetes, he only found {Read More}