Two Day Special From Treat (Free Card)

Everyone gets a bit busy and often forgets to let those around them know they care. So what better way to do that then to send them a free card from Treat! Whether you are wanting to wish someone well during the holidays, or tell them happy birthday. has something for everyone. Today (11/19) and tomorrow (11/20) Treat is offering one free Treat card! You don’t want to miss this deal. Specially with the holidays coming up. I love {Read More}

In Denial

I sit here trying to bury myself in work, because I don’t want to accept the fact my grandpa has passed on. About a week ago I learned that grandpa had lung cancer. When I found this out he only was expected to make it a few more weeks. Grandpa went faster then my father in law when he was given the news he had cancer. From my understand grandpa was still talking and coherent a few days before he {Read More}

Embroidery Services

With the holidays coming a long everyone is searching for those perfect gifts. I like to give out personalized gifts, I personally think it means more to the one on the receiving end. This year I am thinking about getting gifts that are embroidered. Embroidery not only is nicer looking on fabric, it also last longer. I had a friend who had a new child not long ago, and I am thinking on getting the babies initials and birthday embroidered {Read More}

Bleeding Eye

With having anxiety I have a habit of sleeping with my glasses on. I have very bad eye site and cannot see far without my glasses, so sleeping in them makes me feel a bit more secure. I will be able to see if something was to happen. Well recently, I had been sleeping with my glasses off. BIG MISTAKE. Saturday I was laying in bed reading the news on my phone when I was getting really sleepy. However, when {Read More}

Distracted Driving Causes Deadly Wrecks

Did you know you are 4x more likely to have a fatal wreck if you are using a handheld device? With the holidays approaching and more people being on the streets, now is the time to change the way you drive. No more being distracted by small things that can wait until your car is parted. Please don’t risk your life or others trying to multi-task while behind the wheel. Presented By IFA Auto Insurance

EatSmart Gives Back

I love EatSmart, I love everything about them. Their products, their kindness, their WANT to help others, and the ones behind the company. Every month EatSmart gives back, they let their fans pick which charity to give back to… This month they will be giving back to Lower East Side Recovers. Hurricane Sandy has did a lot of damage, I have not seen first hand the damage, however, I have seen pictures and seen the talk of other bloggers who {Read More}