Ways to find time for you

Being able to carve out a few minutes a day for your can be a challenge even in the best of times. If you are a stay at home mom, that can sometimes be next to impossible. While working at home and taking care of kids, the line between work and personal time can become very blurry. However, it is very important to be able to grasp few minutes here and there to be able to relax and unwind. Many {Read More}

Symbolism with flowers

Most of us have given flowers to someone or have received them on occasion. After all, the act of giving and receiving flowers in a deep tradition. In the early days plants where given for their medicinal and herbal properties. These days we mostly give choose flowers for their visual appeal and a fantastic smell. These days you would be hard pressed to find someone who does not have a favourite flower, and some of us can become very passionate {Read More}

Town Fairs

Growing up as a child we would always go to the fairs when they came to town. We would spend hours on end at the fairs, even if we were just walking around. With being in 4-H we spent a lot of our time in the barns looking at all the crafts other members submitted as well as the different animals. I remember we would sit and watch the horse shows and be in awe over their riding clothes. Often {Read More}


When I was able to check out the HTC Droid Incredible, I was in awe. It was the first time not only experiencing a smartphone firsthand, but also the android OS.  My husband would tell me daily how much better android was over the apple devices. I didn’t want to agree… I think a lot of this had to do with the apps. While each have some of the same apps, and each have their share of different apps. I {Read More}

Why Getting A Degree is Important

Last year I looked into going back to school. I went and took the tests, signed up for the classes and had everything in order to begin. However, at the end I ended up backing out… Why because I suffer from social phobia as well as PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), and the school was pressuring me to attend class at the campus. Having these conditions limit what I can and cannot do. With the conditions I have, I find it {Read More}

Saying Goodbye to Rafflecopter

I have a love hate relationship with rafflecopter. At times I love it and prefer it over anything else, then at times I hate it and wish I would have never started using it. With all the changes being made to the platform and the fact it’s down so much. I thought it was in the best interest of my readers, and the companies I work with to switch back to the old fashion way. I know this maybe an {Read More}