TicketKick to the Rescue

I have been driving for the past 18 years and in those 18 years I have only had 2 tickets. One a seat belt ticket on my 22nd birthday and the other a speeding ticket. The speeding ticket was not long ago, and I swear the officer was telling some fibs! Let me explain the situation. My husband and I had just came back from Memphis. There happens to be a speed trap and I am aware of this trap. {Read More}

Beginners Guide to Motorcycling

Motorcycling is quickly becoming one of the more popular hobbies. Whether it is due to a mid-life crisis, the need for speed, or environmental concerns, motorcycling is one of the most popular modes of transportation throughout the world. Many enthusiasts prefer it to cars as it allows you to better connect with the environment and the machine, as opposed to passively looking out the car window as the world passes you by. If you are interested in motorcycling, there are {Read More}

Training To Become A Mortgage Broker

It’s never to late to change careers. I have learned from the past if you’re doing something you love doing you will feel as though you really aren’t working. If you’re doing something you hate, chances are you will always dread going to work. I have had one job that I loved doing, I think it was more because of the ones I worked with. More and more people are finding new fields to go into, this is either because {Read More}

Trying To Understand

As I sit here trying to get some work done, my mind is left to drift in trying to understand the recent event that took place in Connecticut. All the innocent killed for no reason at all, I don’t understand what our world is turning into, where one feels violence is the answer. Now fingers will start to be pointed on who is at fault for what happened. Those that don’t like guns will say gun laws need to be {Read More}

Flameless Candles

I have always loved candles, from their romantic glow they give off, to their many different scents they come in. However, I have also been known to leave the home and leave one burning. This is one of those cons when it comes to wax candles. While they’re glow is beautiful, their fragrance can be breath taking, that one split second you forget you have one burning can cost one everything. Did you know you can get flameless candles with {Read More}

My Experience With Magic Cabin

Back in October I had won a giveaway from OurKidsMom. It was for a $50 GC to Magic Cabin. As of the end of November I has still be waiting to receive the Giftcard, and Heather over at OurKidsMom has been trying to find out what was going on, I was really wanting to order a few things for my daughter for Christmas so I went and contacted Magic Cabin on November 30th on their facebook via direct message. This {Read More}