Clamp it!

Around here it seems everything breaks. A few years back we had water pipe issues. While we replaced all of the cold water pipes we still have the hot water pipes that need fixed. Slowly we are getting it all done, so we don’t have no more leaks. One of the worse leaks we had  was at the hot water heater. It’s way beyond time to get the hot water heater replaced, but until then we will keep doing small {Read More}

Screws, Washers, Bolts Oh My

We have been doing some repairs around here to help better winterize our home. The problem with doing repairs, is I end up being the runner. By this I mean after going to the store to get all the items we need my husband will often realize he has forgot some things. So lucky me I get to head to the local hardware store and HOPE I get him the right items. The other day was no different when it {Read More}

Swagbucks Introduces Surveys!

Swagbucks has found a way to make it even easier to get your free stuff – they’ve introduced Survey Profiles, which allows you to earn Swag Bucks for completing surveys that are sent right to your email inbox! To get started, just go to the “My Settings” area of and select the “Survey Profiles” tab – sign up for email surveys and confirm your email address. Then you can complete 16 different surveys that will help ensure that you {Read More}

Finding Quality Eyeglasses

I have been wearing glasses since about 7th grade! I have spent thousands of dollars on eye exams and eye glasses. Finding quality eyeglasses for a reasonable price can sometimes be a challenge. I want something that will not only look good, but will last me a while, and not cost me a bundle. Often times finding that perfect pair can be tough. Have you ever been into an eye doctors office and seen all the eyeglass displays! It can {Read More}

A Multi-Platform Solution For Employee Scheduling

Keeping track of employee scheduling, hours and off time is essential to the operation of any hiring business. In addition to ensuring work loads are covered, documented scheduling provides reference for more accurate payroll and can be used to reduce the need for employee overtime. Although there are numerous software titles to help a business do this, Orsyp software designed Dollar Universe to deliver this functionality along with unique features to Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Combine these capabilities {Read More}

Amazon and a Mess

I try to be a responsible adult, and when I get gift cards I use them for household items instead of other fun things I may want. So with almost all my Amazon gift cards I spend them on things such as dish liquid, laundry detergent, fabric softener, and things that are needed on a daily basis. By doing this I can take the cash I have and use that towards bills. So when I got my last gift card {Read More}