Vertical or Horizontal Window Blinds

When I was growing up I always wondered why my mom always had vertical blinds on the sliding glass doors. Now that I am older, have a child and pets of my own, I know all to well why mom went with the vertical blinds verse the horizontal blinds. With having two dogs that love looking out the windows, it would be a lot easier having vertical blinds. I am almost certain that since we have some active dogs, having {Read More}

Getting Rid of Wood Bugs

Bugs can always be a problem no matter what part of the world you live in. Whether you are dealing with bees, ants, or even termites, the nasty little bugs are not only annoying, but they can cause many different problems. Bees and wasps like to build their homes in areas you frequent during the summer months, such as your sheds. Ants, like to play on your counters picking up every little spec of food you may have just drops, {Read More}

CAD Drawings Help With Do-It-Yourself Projects

When things break around here, my husband is usually left to fix the problem. Recently, the car sprung a leak, we wasn’t to sure what part was leaking, but my husband had a good idea. It ended up being a worn out sensor. With a little research on-line, he had the part number I was neeing plus a drawing of the image. When I go to the store, I like to know what the part looks like, in case the {Read More}

Hype About Movies That Turn To Be DUDS

Have you ever watched a trailer for a movie, and thought to yourself, or out loud, about how awesome it looks, and how you cannot wait to see it? We do this often, we will see a trailer, and when companies advertise their movies, they make sure to show the best parts on the trailers to get you all excited for the movie. However, when you go to the theater to see the movie you end up leaving broke and {Read More}

Been in an Auto Injury? Well, this Fort Lauderdale firm has got you covered.

Being in an auto accident is a strange thing, a fact of life I guess. It seems like there’s only a matter of time before someone you love has an accident. The first thing you hope is that everyone on both sides of the accident whether they are at fault or not is alive and at least ok. Then as you asses the damage you peel back all of the info like layers of an onion to find out what {Read More}

Let The Music Play LOUD

My husband is all about his music. So much so are daughter has followed in his footsteps, and can sit here listening to music forever. I on the other hand am not much into music. I mean I have a few groups I love to listen too, and some of the music my husband and daughter like, I have learned to like, but when it comes to being a hardcore music lover, that I am not. So with that being {Read More}