That’s A Waste of a Gift

Kids, can say some of the funniest things. The other day we decided to surprise my mother in law with an early birthday present. She was having one of those days. We went and put it in several boxes, so she would have to open several before finding the treasures. After receiving the gift she kept telling us it was the best gift ever, and it meant a lot to her. She said since it wasn’t her birthday she was {Read More}

Pet Messes: When things get Hairy

When pet messes get hairy BISSEL Powerglide can help get the job done in every room of your home.

It’s the Devil!

This morning as I went through my facebook feed, I ran across a post on MyFoxMemphis. This post caught my eye, because it talks about how the Halloween parade and other celebrations had been canceled… With having over 160 comments on this post and currently living on the Bible belt, I already new what the comments where going to say! Halloween is the Devil’s Holiday, blah blah blah. As soon as I started to read them I was correct! Here {Read More}

Improve Your Construction Business with Software

This is a guest post provided to you from The Neat Things in Life Perhaps one of the hardest parts about running a business is staying organized. You might be driving to the next jobsite when you get a phone call from a potential new customer. Hurriedly scribbling down contact information and what the clients need might be acceptable for a short time, but that’s not the way to do business all the time. Something that could help you be {Read More}

Let Shutterfly Help You This Holiday Season

With living back in Tennessee, I have started sending my family back in Michigan more cards. I love sending cards, and I will often make up a reason to send. For instance when my nieces started back to school, I sent them a fun card welcoming them back to school. When my oldest niece was having a rough time with life, I sent her a cute card to cheer her up, and to let her know everything would be okay. {Read More}

How Do You Keep Your Home Safe?

You could invest in HomeLink products from that will help to keep your home safe, but there are also some practical things that you can do to up your security while you are away. If you do these things, you may even be able to prevent a break-in, so you will not need your security system at all. That is always the hope as a homeowner: You want to have a security system in place for an emergency situation, {Read More}