Healthy Elements Dog Food Review and Giveaway

I never seen myself owning a dog when I became an adult. While I thought they were cute, I also thought they smelled and I disliked the shedding. However, after our short stay with family in Michigan, my thoughts on owning a dog changed. While, Bones and Yoda are “dogs” they’re just like my kids! So when it comes to feeding them, we try to feed them the best. Recently, Bones and Yoda had an opportunity to check out Healthy {Read More}

Essentia Water Review

Water has been my main drink for over a year now. While I still grab for a cup of tea or a soda once in a blue moon, I know water is the way to go if I want to not drink my calories. Recently, I was sent some Essentia Water. At first, I thought it was going to be just another bottle of water. I usually drink my water from the tap, we have some of the best tap {Read More} Back 2 School Giveaway and Review

Sending the kids back to school can be very stressful, thankfully we are a homeschooling family, however, we did have our daughter in the public schools for a short period. During this time, I worried the whole time she was at school. With all the tragedies that stuck in the schoolings, this can add to the stress of sending our children off to school each day. knows how stressful the back to school season can be, and they have {Read More}

LifeTrak Move C300 Review

When it comes to losing weight if you don’t have the proper tools, it can be extremely hard. Not only can it be frustrating, but if you’re not seeing the results you want to see it can be very depressing. I have been working to lose weight almost all my life. I have always been a bigger person, it seems as if I got the fat gene when I was born. I remember when I was younger I was extremely {Read More}

Get Your Drink On At SONIC Plus Giveaway

Did you know that SONIC Drive-In is the one stop shop for all your drink needs? About a year ago, I decided to stray away from all the sugary drinks, I went from drinking a 2liter of Mt. Dew or Pepsi a day, to nothing but water. Sometimes drinking nothing but water can get boring. Thankfully, we have a SONIC Drive-in not far from the house, and since they’re the ultimate drink shop, I can count on them to give {Read More}

The Numerous Health Benefits of TerryNaturally Curamin and Giveaway

You’ve probably already heard of the health benefits provided by turmeric curcumin, but TerryNaturally Curamin offers concentrated curcuminoids combined with a proprietary blend of natural ingredients for the most potent health benefits possible. All Natural Pain Relief The powerful curcuminoids within each capsule of Curamin deliver fast and effective pain relief without the dangers associated with typical pain medications. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the ingredients. I’ve suffered with knee pain for many years, but one dose {Read More}