Holiday Gift Guide: Baby Sebamed Review

When my daughter was a baby she suffered from baby acne. With being a first time mom, and not having the Internet like we have today, I was stumped on what to do. After awhile it finally went away on its own, but I would have loved to have had a product that was safe for her, and that would have cleared it up faster. With working on baby #2, I want to be prepared. Recently, we were introduced to {Read More}

Infinity Jars Review

With living a healthier lifestyle, we have cut back on a lot of processed foods and products. We try to make our own sauces and we blend up our own season blends. This way we know what is in them, and we know it’s all product and not 90% filler. Recently, I was introduced to a product that would help me keep the sauces I make fresher for a longer period of time. Infinity Jars, come in different shapes and {Read More}

Brand Names and Quality

When it comes to purchasing certain items, I have to have the name brand product. The reason being, the other products just do not hold up compared to the name brand products. For example, when it comes to dish liquid, there’s only two brands I normally purchase, and that’s Dawn and Gain. Why? Because the other products are usually to thin, and makes for using more dish liquid when washing dishes, which in return equals a waste of money. So {Read More}

Treat Skin Conditions and Pain with ZIM’S

You may have already heard of ZIM’S Crack Creme, it’s a specially formulated ointment for the symptoms of mild to moderate skin conditions. I was excited to review the all new ZIM’S Advanced since I have mild eczema and poison ivy allergies, but I received a tube of ZIM’S MAX pain relief cream for review as well. Let me tell you a little bit about the products, and how they worked for me. I’ve been having eczema inflammation on my {Read More}

Let Shutterfly Help You This Holiday Season

With living back in Tennessee, I have started sending my family back in Michigan more cards. I love sending cards, and I will often make up a reason to send. For instance when my nieces started back to school, I sent them a fun card welcoming them back to school. When my oldest niece was having a rough time with life, I sent her a cute card to cheer her up, and to let her know everything would be okay. {Read More}

Fight Cavities With Arm & Hammer Tooth Tunes

With having weak teeth, and the pregnancy of my daughter taking a toll on mm teeth, it’s very important that she take care of her teeth, so she doesn’t have the same problems I have endured. I want her smile to shine through-out her life, and I don’t want her to be ashamed to show her teeth like I once was. Thankfully, Arm & Hammer has come out with a fun way to get kids brushing! Arm & Hammer Tooth {Read More}