When it comes to footwear there’s two things I look for, the first and foremost is that the shoes fit, second is how they look. If you have shoes that don’t fit you will have issues with your arches, with your back, your knees, you legs, and most importantly your feet. I don’t know about you, but since I walk daily, I don’t want all parts of my body hurting and aching at the end of the night. Did you {Read More}
Holiday Gift Guide: PicturesOnGold.com Build Your Own Locket
When it comes to the holidays I have always been a fan of giving personalized gifts. I personally feel, the more personalized the better! I have had the pleasure of working with PicturesOnGold.com several different times over the past year, and I have got to say they know how to do personalized gifts. With Christmas just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to give those loved ones! With the new Design your Own Locket {Read More}
Holiday Gift Guide: Wellness Core Dog Food
Bones and Yoda are what I would call spoiled. When packages arrive in the mail they’re both right there to sniff them out. You never know when one might show up for them. You may remember in the past, the review I did for Wellness CORE dog food. If not you can get a refresher here. Bones LOVED this dog food, so much so he wouldn’t leave the bowl until it was gone. So when I was contacted and informed {Read More}
Kroger and Dove Partner to Bring You #GirlsUnstoppable
I was compensated for this article as a Global Influence blogger. All opinions are my own. When it comes to being a parent, I will be the first to admit, it’s not easy! I thought when I gave birth to my daughter it would be simple, boy was I wrong. Now that my daughter has hit pre-teen, she is all into her image, and while for the most part, that can be a good thing, it can also be a {Read More}
Use the KulCar to Decrease Your Vehicle’s Internal Temperature
It gets very hot here in the summer time. Tennessee summers can reach temperatures of over 100 degrees between June and August. If that wasn’t bad enough, my car has leather seats that really heat up during the summer months. I also have a daughter and two dogs that have to put up with the backseat heat when we go for a drive. I recently learned about a new way to decrease your car’s temperature using the power of the {Read More}
Celebrate National Caramel Month With Balance Bars + Giveaway
Did you know October was national Caramel month? I am a caramel girl, always have been, whether it’s caramel iced coffees, caramel apples, caramel apple suckers, and even those plain caramel squares. However, most the caramel I love isn’t all that healthy for you, so I have removed them from my daily diet. I still love me a caramel iced coffee every once in awhile. Are you a caramel lover as well? Did you know Balance Bars makes a healthy {Read More}