All Good April With Carrington Farms #CarringtonAllGoodApril

Losing weight is not as easy as one, two, three. While for some they have no problem managing their weight, and for others it’s an everyday struggle. I happen to be one of those people who struggle daily. It wasn’t until recently, I started to get serious about my weight. I started researching foods that were good for me, foods I should stay away from, and what types of exercises I should do. Two different products I learned were very {Read More}

#TuckinTurnoff With The Sweet Dreams Collection

Spring is finally here! You know what that means, it’s time to clean, clean and clean some more! How many of you do spring cleaning? How many of you clean everything but the bedroom? Well, did you know the bedroom may just be the room that needs that spring cleaning the most! How many of you toss and turn at night? I am a tosser and a turner, thankfully I was sent some products to help get my bedding smelling {Read More}

Head Over To Ryan’s, HomeTown Buffet or Old Country Buffet For A Hoppin Time This April (Giveaway)

Ryan’s, HomeTown Buffet and Old Country Buffet have done it again! I am excited to bring you yet another fun family event taking place right now at participating locations. This time the restaurants have partnered with Nancy Drew Diaries and Hardy Boys Adventures, this new partnership is to help celebrate the relaunch of some of our favorite mystery book series. I am excited to see these classics resurface! I know these are going to be fun books my daughter will {Read More}

Go2Socket Review

Being a female, I will admit, I don’t do much with tools around the house. When something needs fixed, chances are my husband will be the one making those fixes. However, once in a blue moon, I will decide I don’t want to wait, and I will take it upon myself to make the fix or put together whatever may need put together. For instance we purchased a new table, my husband was at work, and I wanted to get {Read More}

Leather iPad Case Giveaway

If you like leather and you have an iPad this is a giveaway just for you! is giving one lucky reader of The Neat Things in Life a chance to win a Leather iPad Case. This particular case comes in either black or pink and retails for $49.99. One great thing about this case, is it’s compatible with the iPad 2, and the 3rd and 4th generation iPads. It has many great features such as its adjustable strap which {Read More}

Wholesome Cravings The Healthy Snack Option

Over the past year or so, my family has made a huge change when it comes to how we eat. While we still grab a not so healthy snack once in awhile, we try to grab only the healthy snacks. With that being said, I have a love for SWEETS! Finding sweets that are both healthy and that will satisfy me have been a little challenge. So when I was contacted to see if I would be interested in reviewing {Read More}