hCG Diet Day 3

Today is day 3 of the hCG diet. I am now off my load days, and I am working on the 500 calories, a day. So far it is not that bad. I am experiencing a small amount of hunger. I have been breaking up what I eat through out the day so that I do not get overly hungry. So far today, I have had 100 grams of chicken breast, I cooked this in my indoor grill. I have {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 2

Today, is day 2 of the hCG diet. I have to tell you this loading stinks. I feel like I am going to barf. Just looking at food makes my stomach feel yucky. Maybe that is the whole point of the hCG diet, it makes you not want food no more. Hopefully this will teach us better portion control. It helps that my husband is going this with me, makes it more worth it. Tomorrow we will be starting the {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 1

Today is a new day and hopefully a new start to my weight loss journey. I have struggled for many years with my weight, whenever I get motivated and start losing I go in a standstill, then I become depressed and give up. I have to learn not to quit, but it is so hard. I have recently started hearing a lot about the hCG diet. At first, I was extremely iffy about this diet. However, a few friends have {Read More}

Slim Body Review

Did you know women tend to have a harder time in losing weight then men? The reason for this is, because the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is the primary female hormone and it directly promotes body fat storage, reduces the ability to burn fats properly, and affects the mood in women as well. It is also a known fact, that the everyday emotions, women have such as anxiety and stress, can also make it harder to lose weight for women. I {Read More}

Weight Loss 101

Don’t ask me because I do not have a clue. All I know is I am back at it again. Yup that is right, I keep managing to fall off the weight loss band wagon. I have been reading a great book called, “Dare to Take Charge” By Judge Glenda Hatchett (review/giveaway coming soon). While reading this book it has put me in thinking mode. I mean way into thinking mode, it is time I take charge of my life. {Read More}

Off Track

Once again I got off track. In the past 6 months I had lost 25 pounds. I was doing so good working out daily on the Wii, eating some what properly, then all of a sudden I let my mind get the best of me and I have done nothing, but sit on my ass.Thus gaining back 5 pounds. I hate when I lose my train of thought, and stop. I have to remember when I do this I only {Read More}