First Full Week Of School

Monday starts the first full week back to school. Tomorrow we will be heading out to Staples to get a few last minute things. They have a lot of great deals going on! If you’re still needing some items and you have a Staples close by I highly recommend you checking in to see what they might have. Or Staples will be having the books we need for schooling at b1g1 free! That is an awesome deal, I was going {Read More}

Back-To-School Blast Off

Wednesday is our official back to school day. My husband and I decided to take another route with our daughter this year. The previous years we used a certain curriculum; however, that can be a bit expensive. This year we will use certain books, other things will be all hands on. The past few years my daughter didn’t act to interested in learning. During the Summer we did some hands on learning and although she didn’t realize it she absorbed {Read More}

Homeschooling Change in Plans

Well it seems as though we will not be doing Tennessee Virtual Academy. I have been trying for almost 2 weeks to contact the PAL and she is not returning my emails. With school starting in less than 2 weeks it’s time to get in gear and see about getting her back in Homelife Academy. The reason I am having such a hard time getting her back in school here, is that last school season we were in Michigan. I {Read More}

Saving For Your Child’s Education Just Got Easier

Being a mom I want the very best for my daughter, I mean what parent doesn’t want the best for their child. I want her to go to College and make something of her life. I hate to say it, but I don’t want her to pass up on a great education like I did. I usually have no regrets in life, however, I can truly say I regret not furthering my education. If I would have did so I {Read More}

Entertain The Kids With Learning This Summer

How many times have you heard “Mom I am bored” this Summer? One great way to not here, that and to keep the children’s brains in learning mode, is by printing some worksheets. I like to make workbooks for the Summer months, nothing to demanding. However, fun worksheets that make my child have to think. I want her to think, so that when school starts back up she isn’t lost. Scholastic worksheets are a great place to start, I like {Read More}

Printing Rewards for a Job Well Done

Being a parent is not easy. We run into all sorts of blahs, in parenthood. One thing I have found in the 10 years that I have been a parent is that a child does better in everything when they are rewarded. Want some help cleaning up, get your children involved, once the task is complete reward them with praises, or even surprises. When Gillian was younger we had a treasure chest, whenever she helped she received a treat. She {Read More}