The Elliptical My New Best Friend

So these past few days, I have been working out on the elliptical machine. All I can say is whew, I can only handle 10 minutes at a time, but 10 minutes is better then none right? I am doing the elliptical 2 to 3 times a day making it be 20 to 30 minutes a day. I can feel the workout through my whole body. I have also been doing rather well on my calorie intake, I have been {Read More}

Weight Loss Going Solo

When I think of losing weight is scares the hell out of me. How am I going to be able to do this all solo. Am I strong enough to stick to this whole exercising, and watching those calories I put into my body? I wanted to join Weight Watchers, because of the great success rate they have, but just like joining a gym, money is always a factor, prices are to high for one to afford these options. The {Read More}

Get Real and Stop Dieting by Brett Blumenthal Review

For a long time I tried all the fad diets, it was only until recently I learned that fad diets, are just that fad diets. I learned that no matter how many diets I go on, and how much weight I lose to only gain back, it wasn’t going to help me in a long term stand point; I mean I keep losing only to gain, what the heck is the point in dieting then. Recently I learned that a {Read More}

AllDaySlim Review

As I have stated before I will do pretty much anything in reason in the attempts to lose weight, I am double the weight I should be! I shouldn’t really say anything, because there is some things I wouldn’t do, but as far as products or certain types of pills, yes I will test them out. If you have been following the Tied To Be Fit event you have read some about my struggles, and about the different products I {Read More}

From Fat To Fit by Carole Carson Review

A Little About Carole Carson: Carole Carson, dubbed “An Apostle for Fitness” by the Wall Street Journal, is the author of From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction. Just before turning 60, Carole decided to reinvent herself. After chronicling her transformation from butterball to butterfly in weekly newspaper articles, she invited others in her Northern California community to join the fun. Inspired by her example, more than 1,000 ordinary people teamed up to lose nearly {Read More}

Free Atkins Weight Loss Kit

Gaining weight can be a breeze, it is taking it off that becomes complicated. When trying to lose weight or maintain a certain weight, it is important to count your calorie intake, or your carb intake. They say if you watch these numbers dropping the pounds will not be so bad, however I will be the first to admit  I am clueless when it comes to these numbers. Ask me something about the internet or computers and I would probably {Read More}