Diet VS Life Style Change

On my last post “Does Calorie Counting Work” I got an interesting comment. However, it looked to be spam, it was linked to a debt consolidation place in the UK, so I trashed it. I want to address a few things in this comment though so below you will see the comment, then I will give my opinion on the matter. I agree with you that calorie counting doesn’t work. A few years ago I went on a very strict {Read More}

Does Calorie Counting Work

Just a few weeks ago I made a statement, that calorie counting wasn’t for me. I said I would rather just watch what I was eating and go from there, well I am here to say I was so wrong. Calorie counting is indeed for me, I did a review on From Fat To Fit by Carole Carson and after reading Carole’s story it made me realize if I went public with my weight issues, I to could see the {Read More}

The Elliptical My New Best Friend

So these past few days, I have been working out on the elliptical machine. All I can say is whew, I can only handle 10 minutes at a time, but 10 minutes is better then none right? I am doing the elliptical 2 to 3 times a day making it be 20 to 30 minutes a day. I can feel the workout through my whole body. I have also been doing rather well on my calorie intake, I have been {Read More}

Weight Loss Going Solo

When I think of losing weight is scares the hell out of me. How am I going to be able to do this all solo. Am I strong enough to stick to this whole exercising, and watching those calories I put into my body? I wanted to join Weight Watchers, because of the great success rate they have, but just like joining a gym, money is always a factor, prices are to high for one to afford these options. The {Read More}

Get Real and Stop Dieting by Brett Blumenthal Review

For a long time I tried all the fad diets, it was only until recently I learned that fad diets, are just that fad diets. I learned that no matter how many diets I go on, and how much weight I lose to only gain back, it wasn’t going to help me in a long term stand point; I mean I keep losing only to gain, what the heck is the point in dieting then. Recently I learned that a {Read More}

AllDaySlim Review

As I have stated before I will do pretty much anything in reason in the attempts to lose weight, I am double the weight I should be! I shouldn’t really say anything, because there is some things I wouldn’t do, but as far as products or certain types of pills, yes I will test them out. If you have been following the Tied To Be Fit event you have read some about my struggles, and about the different products I {Read More}