Lose it! App

Monday, Gillian and I finally got our ipod touches, she got the 8gig, and I got the 32gig. I almost got the 8gig so I could save a little money, but my husband talked me into getting the 32 and I am so glad I did. I have found so many awesome apps, and having so much to entertain me while on the elliptical makes the time go by so much faster. When I first got the touch, I asked {Read More}

Workout Room

I have been really thinking about making one of the spare bedrooms, into my workout room/office. I want a place where I can keep track of all my weight-loss information. You know my helpful resourceful books, my tape measure, my food journal, and of course my workout equipment! So, lately I have been checking out some modern office furniture, I want it to be a fun room. Bright colors, and just like a lot of life, I want this room {Read More}


When the scale decides it wants to stop, it gets to be a bit sad. I have been working my butt off, watching what I eat, but then the scale does a stand still. It has even decided it wanted to go up there for a minute. When the numbers start going up, I start getting depressed, I start to ask myself “Why is that number not going anywhere, am I busting my ass for nothing.” I have been afraid {Read More}

National Snack Month Oh My!

Did you know February is National Snack Month! I sure didn’t, what a way to ruin a perfect New Year’s Resolution! Thank goodness there is Yum Yum Dishes, if you are just now starting to follow The Neat Things in Life, then you may not know what Yum Yum Dishes are, well they are hand painted, 4 ounce bowls great for snacking. These neat little dishes, were created by a mom that often over snacked. This was her way to {Read More}

The Scale is Stuck on Stupid!

So for some reason, although I have been working out, and keeping my calorie intake to a certain amount, the scale is stuck on stupid. It does not want to budge. However, I will not get discouraged, I will keep working out, I am going to step it up and work out a bit more then what I have been. I need to get those numbers to move. I am also going to up my calories just a tad bit, {Read More}

Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook Review

WEIGHT WATCHERS NEW COMPLETE COOKBOOK, 4th Edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect the way Americans are eating today. Packed with 500 delicious and nutrition-conscious recipes, this new edition of the cookbook helps people stay on track and achieve their weight management goals, including information and values for those following the new PointsPlusT program. Home cooks will find recipes from the simple and satisfying Smoky Grilled Brisket and Creamy Mashed Potatoes to new classics like Carmelized Onion, Fig {Read More}