Why Water Intake When Trying To Lose Weight Is Important

The past few days, I did a little test. For almost a week I have been drinking 80 to 120 ounces of water daily. At times I am sick of water, and want no more but I keep drinking, because I know my body does need it. During this time, I ate three times a day breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while keeping my calorie count between 1300 and 1500. I wanted to see the difference without all the water, so {Read More}

Down 10 Pounds in 3 Months

As I was sitting here going through my sticky notes, I realized I have lost 10 pounds since March 19th, 2012. While I know I should have lost more I would say that is pretty good since during that time my family was going through a lot, and we are just now starting to get back in to a normal routine. If you haven’t noticed, I have a tracker in the sidebar now, and I will update it weekly. I {Read More}

Big Changes = Huge Results

I know I said I wasn’t going to step on the scale for at least a week… However, I had to see if everything I was doing as working. In about 48 hours I am done 1.4 pounds. I am logging everything I eat, and I am drinking a lot of water. I am keeping my calorie count between 1300 and 1500. I did all those awesome measurements to see how many calories I need to stay the same weight, {Read More}

Day 4 Nothing But Water

Four days ago, I started my weight loss journey. Since starting this journey I have drank nothing but WATER. I am averaging about 88 t0 112 ounces a day. At times it is hard to get those ounces in, but I do it. In the past 4 days I have lost 2 pounds, and I have learned a lot about healthy eating, and all that weight loss mumble jumble. I have learned my body already at my age, and all {Read More}

Free Adspace #fitness #flabstoabs

I am going to do something I have never done before. Well, I have done this before, however, the terms are a bit different… So here is how it will work. Are you a company that has what it takes to help me drop at least 100 pounds? If so I would like to hear about it, you can contact me via email… jammie AT theneatthingsinlife DOT com… in the subject put, I have what it takes to help you {Read More}

More Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

During my journey to drop these unwanted pounds, you will be seeing a lot more about weightloss and fitness on The Neat Things in Life. I want y’all to follow me in my journey to find my goal weight. I am in search of that 6 pack that is currently being hidden under all this fat. In my journey, I hope to not only help myself, but to also help others. With being a struggler all my life with my {Read More}