Rough Road

Losing weight is far from easy, and if someone told you it was, they were LYING. With being a struggler with my weight all my life, I am doing what it takes to become healthy. If you noticed, I had not been posting much about my weight or what had been going on in my life. Well, we ended up eating not so healthy foods, and my body FELT it, and I did gain 2 pounds back… which this depressed {Read More}

T-fal’s Healthy Summer Challenge Tip #2

Tip #2 for T-fal’s Healthy Summer Challenge, get more exercise and make some healthy snacks! I will be the first to admit, I don’t move as much as I should. I usually have some sort of excuse, such as, it’s too hot, or I am tired and don’t feel well, blah blah blah. However, it’s time to throw the excuses out the window, and to get off my butt and to start moving… I will be accomplishing this goal, but {Read More}

The Digest Diet Day 1

Today is day one of the Digest Diet, I wanted to try something that also taught me instead of a quick weight loss only to gain it all back. During the next 21 days, I will be learning how to pair the foods I love with fat releasers! I am extremely excited to be going on this journey, and I know in time I will be hitting my goal weight! The heat has been making it a bit hard to {Read More}

T-fal’s Healthy Summer Challenge Tip #1

I have jumped on board with a few other bloggers in the T-fal Healthy Summer Challenge. This is post number one of five that I will be bringing you. In these posts, I will bring you tips I have learned, resolutions I have planned, and healthy lifestyle changes my family has been doing. If you have been following The Neat Things in Life, then you know I have struggled with my weight all my life, and you know it wasn’t {Read More}

Weight Loss Journey Week 3

Three weeks ago tomorrow is when I took the stand and changed everything in my kitchen… No more boxed meals, no more packaged meals, everything cooked on the stove, we even left all the junk food at the door. We started to eat whole grain pasta and rice. I love my pasta and I couldn’t just throw that out, we also started to eat more beans, and veggies. I found a love for frozen grapes, and when I feel as {Read More}

Raw Food Detox Cookbook Review

American companies make it hard for one to lose weight, if you go to the grocery store you will notice all the not so good foods are pretty affordable, while the foods that can offer our body many health benefits are not so cheap. For example, a box of tuna helper runs for about 99 cents, then you have a can of tuna fish at .69cents, and the other remaining products needed to make this quick fix meal should be {Read More}