hCG Diet Check In

One thing that stinks about this diet, is you are eating the same things over and over again, and no matter how much you switch things up, there is only so much apples, cucumbers, and chicken one can eat. I am hanging in there though, my husband however CHEATED!!! He ended up having 2 tv dinners, bread, and cereal. So since he wants to cheat he can go with the over the counter drops. I will finish the shots off {Read More}

Weight Loss Journey

One thing I noticed thus far during the hCG Diet is that I have more energy, and motivation to do things. I have found myself moving more away from the computer and actually doing other things, such as cleaning, and enjoying my family a bit more. I am to the point in this diet I am having to force myself to eat, I am also starting to do more experimenting in the kitchen with different hCG diet friendly recipes. In {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 7

Today makes my first week on the hCG injections, I have to say I am amazed on how well this is all working. The total weight I have lost in this week is 13 pounds. Now the weight will start coming off slower but it will still come off. This is also my last update until next week, now I will update weekly with a total of what I have lost. I have a feeling my husband is not going {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 6

Yay, I have made it to day 6 on the hCG Diet. I do not really view this as a diet, but as a learning tool to properly re-adjust my eat portions. One thing we all forget as we get older is portion control. We can really eat whatever we would like as long as we know when to STOP. That is my main problem, I sometimes forget when to stop and say I have had enough. I mean who {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 5

Today makes day 5 of the hCG diet, so far so good. I have been getting some headaches, I had read this is normal for the first week or so. I am down 8 pounds as of this morning. I am super excited for the changes. I am not hungry BUT I want to eat anyways because I miss the taste of certain foods. I have learned to control my urges or wanting to take those corn dogs from the {Read More}

hCG Diet Day 4

Today makes day 4 for me and day 5 for my husband. Since he works the night shift he started about 12 hours before me. Thus far he is down 7 pounds and I am down 6. At first it was a bit tough with the calories, however, it is not because I am hungry, but because I just want to eat. This diet is teaching me a lot of different things, it is teaching me how to eat smaller {Read More}