Birthing Options To Have A Smooth And More Comfortable Labor

You’ve made it – right from the moment that little stick showed a wonderful positive sign, all the way to the last few months of your pregnancy, and it’s all starting to feel extremely real. You’ve started nesting, avoiding the show one born every minute, and are anticipating what’s to come – eager to meet your little one. Whether this is your first pregnancy or your third, the premise of giving birth may make you feel a little anxious. To {Read More}

Resetting The Balance: Raising A Healthy Child By Reaffirming The Basics

As parents, there can be a lot of anxieties in wondering if we are doing the right things. Yes, some of the basics of raising a healthy child or the importance of having our children maintain a healthy lifestyle can be harder than we think sometimes. As obvious as they seem, from making sure they eat healthy fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, not indulging in too much sugar and so forth, but the basics in raising a healthy child aren’t {Read More}

Clearing the Air: Moving is a Great Time to Downsize and Clear out the Clutter that is Filling Your Air with Dust

We collect a lot of stuff throughout our lives. The longer we set down roots in one home, the more things we seem to gather. Magazines, old bills, ill-fitting clothing and items with sentimental value can quickly pile up around your home and make the prospect of packing it all to move downright daunting. If you’re in the process of looking for movers in Toronto, it may be time to look at decluttering. Let’s be honest, do you really want {Read More}

What to Do When You Need to Find a Heroin Detox Center

At least a million Americans use heroin, and the problem is getting worse. Many opiate addicts have turned to heroin as stricter laws make prescription drugs harder to obtain. At the same time, the recent popularity of fentanyl additives (extremely potent synthetic opioids) has greatly increased the risks of using unregulated drugs. Between 2010 and 2016, fatal heroin overdoses climbed, steadily but rapidly, from under 5,000 a year to nearly 15,500. If you or a loved one have the heroin {Read More}

Women! 2 Common Health Problems To Watch Out For As You Age

Health, both mental and physical is important no matter what age or gender we are. However, there are some issues that women face as they get older that are specific to their gender. That means it’s crucial that as women we are aware of these, what the symptoms are, and what can be done to avoid and treat them. With that in mind, two of the most prevalent women’s health issues related to ageing are discussed in the post below. {Read More}

Simple CPR Practice Explained

The human body is susceptible to all kinds of illnesses and injuries, and sometimes these will come at the worst possible time and catch us completely unaware. You’ve all probably seen in films where people are in a restaurant and someone suddenly starts choking on their food. Someone always rushes over and says ‘I’m a doctor!’ and saves their lives. But did you ever think about the fact that you don’t need to be a doctor to perform this kind {Read More}