Strange Causes of Hearing Loss

Unfortunately, hearing loss is becoming more and more common amongst the population. This might not be so surprising considering the fact that so few people are aware of many of the causes of a reduction in hearing. Sure, we all know that prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause us to lose some or all of our hearing, as can serious ear infections, but that really is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to be more proactive {Read More}

Get To Know Where the Hormonal Imbalance Origin Is

Almost every disease and medical condition, ailments and complications in the human body, has a connection with hormones. Hormones help our body to keep its functioning normal and any imbalance in its level, either lower or higher than normal, will create significant changes in a human body. A layman does not know the complete science behind a medical condition, particularly hormonal imbalance. It is the physician who treats it through their knowledge and understanding of the symptoms. Normally, hormonal imbalances {Read More}

5 Ways to Optimize Your Beauty Rest

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated enough, especially as it relates to our skin. No matter what people say, your appearance matters, and your skin makes most of how you look. The healthier and more vibrant your complexion is, the better you look and feel. Therefore, one of the ways to achieve beautiful skin is to sleep for seven to nine hours in a comfortable bed so your skin can adequately recover after a long and stressful day. Aside {Read More}

Real Men Make Quiche – The Ultimate Cooking Guide for Clueless Guys

If you’re like me, you spent much of your life foraging through the food aisle looking for easy-to-cook bagged meals that you can toss in a skillet or the dreaded microwave dinners. You may browse through a cookbook only to be bombarded with ingredients and utensils that you’ve never heard of and some that you can’t even pronounce. I’ve been there, and it’s a dark place. I’m going to share the techniques, tips, and tools that I used to help {Read More}

4 Strange Causes of Kidney Stones You Never Considered For You

Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are hard deposits of mineral and salts which form in the kidneys. They can be caused by a wide range of factors and they can occur anywhere in the urinary tract. They often form when urine becomes concentrated and therefore conducive to the crystallization of minerals. Passing kidney stones can be painful but oftentimes you just need to drink more water and take pain medication. In fact, research by the United {Read More}

Winter Illnesses: What Can You Do When Illness Strikes at a Bad Time?

With the cold weather come the colds. Flus, head colds, and general sniffling and aching come part and parcel with the chilly weather. You’re more likely to become ill in winter due to a variety of reasons. For one, in winter we spend much more time indoors and in closer contact to other people—and to their germs. The dry air from chilly weather and heated homes work together to dry out mucous membranes, making them more susceptible to germs. There {Read More}