5 Risk Factors Identified For Premature Atrial Contractions

Increased Age – people who are at a more advanced stage of life are more likely to develop premature atrial contractions than those who are still young. What makes this more likely is that older people generally are in worse health than those people who are younger, due to their bodies breaking down over time. Premature atrial contractions are not something which happens to a healthy young heart, which hasn’t had to power the body carrying it around for decade {Read More}

Weight For Me! Why You Should Always Train With Weights

The typical gym setup for women is usually a bunch of treadmills. And while cardio exercises have an important place in every gym, training with weights has much more of a positive effect on anybody’s workout. Now, before you think that’s training with weights makes you put on muscle, this is only the case if you go hard at it and eat more than your weight in calories. For everybody else, weight training should have pride of place in your {Read More}

Importance of Educating Kids on Kindness

Research has shown that the feeling of kindness does have a positive impact both physically and emotionally. In the society that we are currently living in, random acts of philanthropy are becoming more popular by the day. The drive behind this has been the result of an identified deficit in most people that they feel can only be fulfilled via philanthropy. As kids grow, it is crucial that they be nourished with a healthy dose of kindness to make sure {Read More}

Kicking the Habit: 3 Reasons You May Want to Consider Switching to a Vape Pen

If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably heard about e-cigarettes. These electronic devices allow you to enjoy everything in a tobacco while at the same time protecting you from the harmful effects of the traditional cigarette. As such, it’s an excellent alternative to the traditional cigar. If you’re still using the traditional cigar, the following are 3 reasons why you should consider switching to e-cig vape pens; E-cigs can help you quit smoking Quitting smoking can be a huge challenge. That’s {Read More}

Living with Pain: 3 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Pain Management Plan

Chronic pain can have a tremendous impact on an individual. It can interfere with their sexual activity, their patterns of sleep, their ability to conduct daily activities, and can also result in emotional distress, including depression. Pain treatment aims to minimize distress and enhance functioning. While elimination of chronic pain is often rare, controlling and managing pain should be possible to some degree to allow people to operate at acceptable levels. RELATYV Home Based Pain Treatment in Colorado can help {Read More}

Which gynaecology procedures are available to you?

Gynaecology services are incredibly important for women’s health as a simple examination can uncover often ‘hidden’ problems. Even if your partner claims to be clean, it’s important that we as females take our vaginal health serious. If your partner had an STD keeping up with your vaginal health could help catch it in time. I am in a college town and there’s several std testing near me. It is understandable that patients may be nervous before a gynaecology examination, but {Read More}