What is on the Horizon for Prenatal Testing?

For almost all of human history, we didn’t know anything about a baby until it was born — but we’ve always wanted to. Every culture seems to have its own age-old method for guessing the gender of a baby, but that’s all we had until the advent of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These effective albeit invasive tests for detecting genetic abnormalities in the fetus came about only in the latter half of the twentieth century. In the past {Read More}

Importance of Vein Health

Vein health is healthy veins that carry blood from the body back to the heart. When veins are unhealthy it can cause certain health concerns in the body. One reason why vein health is important is to prevent your legs from swelling. Standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause distended, leaky veins. When this happens, an increase in pressure is put on the vessel walls. This causes them to stretch and dilate, and if the problem persists, {Read More}

Dangers of Hernias

Hernias happen when fatty tissues or organs breakthrough the fascia, or connective tissue, that surrounds your muscles. Inguinal, incisional, umbilical, and hiatal hernias are the most common types of hernias that doctors see. Hernias are caused by a combination of pressure on a muscle and muscle weakness. For some, the muscle weakness is congenital. For others, it is something that develops later on in life. The pressure caused by an organ or tissue on the weak fascia allows the organ {Read More}

When Your Health Impacts Your Money

It’s easily done for your health to affect your financial situation, people just never think it will. As humans, we seem to like to think that we’re invincible, when in fact all we are is vulnerable. At the drop of a hat something could change to our finances, and it often does without us even realizing it. Even just a slight change to our health can leave us in a position where we can’t care for ourselves, we can’t work, {Read More}

6 Ways To Melt Your Fat Away

I love the fact that we live I a world full of possibilities. A world where there is always an answer to whatever question you may ask. The issue on how to regain a slim fit body has been around for ages and this has really destroyed a lot of peoples esteems and they no longer believe in themselves. The movie industry has actually tried to get some pretty good movies to remind those who are big bodied that it’s {Read More}

Prevention Is Better Than Cure: 6 Clever Ways of Preventing Dog Bites

There are some loose dogs that can be dangerous to those around them, and sometimes even a leashed or gated dog can pose a danger. It can be hard to avoid injury by a dangerous dog on the loose because it can be difficult to identify the dangerous dogs from the ones that are not. When it comes to your safety and the safety of others around you, it makes sense for you as a dog owner or even just {Read More}