Tips You Mustn’t Forget for a Smooth Vacation Experience

Whether planning your next road trip, or a vacation in the sun, you need to make it as enjoyable as possible. And this is all about making the experience smooth and stress-free. So, to achieve that you’re going to need to use the following tips. They are essential for making sure you account for everything and that you have the best vacation you possibly can. Car Hire If you can drive, you might decide you want to hire a car {Read More}

In With The New

Change can be a big thing for someone who suffers from anxiety and PTSD. So when we decided to make the plunge and get a new home, I was not only excited I was scared. I knew we would have to break the other place down, and I knew this was going to take a bit. I knew we would be staying in the tent and I hated knowing it was going to be for a longer period than what {Read More}

Out With The Old

I have mentioned several times about moving. While we didn’t move from where we lived we did move from our old home into a new home. We have lived at the current location off and on for about 15 years, this is a home my in laws purchased because they didn’t want neighbors. Since we lived here most our daughter’s life, my mother in law signed the place over to us when my father in law passed away. While the {Read More}

Holiday Blessings

Here in our home the holidays are more for the children, very rarely do we purchase gifts for the adults. We do have some adults that will make a fuss if they don’t receive a gift for the holiday, however, those are the adults we distant ourselves from through-out the year. Nothing I dislike more than an ungrateful adult that thinks they’re owed something. I have to admit this Christmas wasn’t as big as last Christmas, because this happened to {Read More}

Hit Up Pensacola Beach For A Good Time

On our little vacation our first stop was Pensacola Beach! This was my families first time ever to the ocean, and let me tell you, we had the best time! We didn’t realize we had to pay a toll to cross over into Pensacola Beach and we only had our debit card, once we got to the toll, they informed us we needed $1, sadly I didn’t have no cash on me, however, the guy was super nice and allowed {Read More}

5 Tricks for Maximizing Your Bedroom’s Space

Your bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. It’s your own personal refuge, somewhere you can get away from the rest of the world, unwind after a long day or relax on a weekend. Regardless of the size of your bedroom, getting creative with the way you use your space is paramount: you don’t want the bedroom to be too busy because a cluttered room leads to a cluttered mind. Read on to discover few tricks {Read More}