Gillian and the Dentist

Today I took Gillian to the Dentist for the first time. Yes, she is 8 and yes I know I should have taken her sooner. However, I was told since she had state insurance she would have to go to the Health Department and see their Dentist, and there the parent can NOT go back with their child… That is a no, I will not take her anywhere if I can not go back with her. So after we got {Read More}

Cell Phones and Children

Well, we finally did it. We got Gillian our 8 year old daughter a cell phone. We of course added her to our line, so it is only 10 extra a month, and of course she will be doing extra chores around the house. She thought she was all big and bad, texting me hi over and over again. When her daddy got up and seen her phone he flipped the script on her. Made it into school work LOL. {Read More}

Gillian Rant

It seems everything we buy is “Made” in China… and well it is getting on Gillian’s nerves. Whenever she picks something up she will bring it to me saying “MOM LOOK WHERE THIS IS MADE” She wants to know why since we live in the USA, it is not being made here. Sometimes I think she is going through the house to look at where out products are made from… Her daddy told her the reason a lot of things {Read More}

Growing like a weed

Gillian is growing so fast it is hard to buy clothes for her. She is either to short or her tummy is to big. With summer almost here it is time to go through all her summer clothes from last year and see which ones still fit her, and which ones I need to pass a long to someone else. I purchased several cute short outfits last fall, and I made sure they was a few sizes to big so {Read More}

Littlest Pet Shop Platypus

Look at this little guy isn’t he so cute. Since Gillian, LOVES her some littlest pets, we try to get all the mail in ones. Whew that’s a ton of work making sure she get’s them all… Well Hasbro decided to change up the stickers on me… Ugh shame on you Hasbro. With it being Easter she finally got her last 3 stickers she needed to send away for this adorable littlest pet. Like she needs any more for me {Read More}

Our Bunnies

I cleaned the back room out for the bunnies and they are having a blast. This is not a small room, it is a actual bedroom. This is now the bunnies room. Thank god I got a carpet cleaner. I am gonna try to litter train them. Vacuuming up poop all the time sucks. So I went to Wal-mart and I got them a litter box. So far they are doing pretty well. They seem to wanna play under their {Read More}

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