Gillian’s Top 10 Netflix Kid’s Picks for 2013

Gillian has decided to continue her Netflix Kid’s Picks series with the top 10 Netflix kids movies and shows for 2013. Some of the movies are recent titles, but others are old favorites. Gillian enjoys pet movies, action fantasy and of course, girly movies. If you’re on the lookout for some fresh movie ideas for the kids, here are Gillian’s current top 10 favorites. 10. Princess Protection Program – Selena Gomez co-stars with Demi Lovato in this light-hearted film about {Read More}

Art Inspired By The Garbage Pail Kids

One day as we sat here watching Storage Wars, they had an episode where one of the buyer’s Ivy, had stumbled upon some Garbage Pail Kids trading cards. Ivy took the trading cards to Layron DeJarnette who just happens to be one of the artists for garbage pail kids. If you happened to miss that Storage Wars, you can watch the clip where Ivy takes the garbage pail kids cards to Layron DeJarnette below. This episode of Storage Wars, brought {Read More}

School is Almost Out!

I cannot believe the school year has come to an end, it seems just like yesterday when we started. While calendar school year is over, Gillian will still be doing Math this Summer. She has a love hate relationship with it, and she needs to find more love for it. Hopefully, with focusing just on Math, she will get a better hang of things. I remember when I was in school the Math they’re doing now wasn’t until 8th grade. {Read More}

Water Nail Art Marbling

My daughter spends a lot of time on Youtube. The time she spends though isn’t looking up music videos it’s looking up how to make things with polymer clay and doing your nails. Awhile ago she came to me asking if she could do water marbling, I was clueless on what she was asking, as the weeks went by she brought me a video showing me what she was talking about. This is when I learned about water marble nail {Read More}

Birthday Fun!

My sister decided she was going to steal my daughter’s birthday, and she had my niece on the same day. Almost two weeks ago I got to finally meet this little blessing that shares my daughter’s birthday. She is a doll, short and sassy. We decided to give both girls a birthday party together! I mean what fun would that be, Gillian has never been to the beach. Why? Because in the area we lived in Tennessee it was nothing {Read More}

The Wienermobile Arrived!

Do you remember my post about Oscar Mayer hot dogs VS Ball Park hot dogs? Well, if not I personally think Oscar Mayer is a lot better then ball park. The flavors to me stand out more, so when I rolled over in bed this morning, and took a peek at facebook (yes, my laptop sits on my bed stand and I look at it often in the middle of the night.) and seen the wienermobile was going to be {Read More}