Did you know CSN Stores have literally thousands of products to choose from? With the holidays fast approaching, do you have all the cookware you need to make those holiday dinners memorable? Csn Stores has over 300 different dutch ovens, you are sure to find the perfect one to suit your cooking needs. Whether, you are needing one to cook that perfect turkey for Thanksgiving, or even a smaller one to make that out of this world green bean casserole {Read More}
Slim Body Review
Did you know women tend to have a harder time in losing weight then men? The reason for this is, because the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is the primary female hormone and it directly promotes body fat storage, reduces the ability to burn fats properly, and affects the mood in women as well. It is also a known fact, that the everyday emotions, women have such as anxiety and stress, can also make it harder to lose weight for women. I {Read More}
Weight Loss 101
Don’t ask me because I do not have a clue. All I know is I am back at it again. Yup that is right, I keep managing to fall off the weight loss band wagon. I have been reading a great book called, “Dare to Take Charge” By Judge Glenda Hatchett (review/giveaway coming soon). While reading this book it has put me in thinking mode. I mean way into thinking mode, it is time I take charge of my life. {Read More}
Who Said Coo? Giveaway and Review CLOSED Winner Inside
Most little kids love it when you read to them, whether it is before bed or in the afternoons before naps. It is also a great way to cuddle and snuggle with the little ones. We all know they grow up way to fast and soon they will think snuggling is for babies. So parents eat up all the snuggle and cuddle time you can get with the little ones before they think they are to old to be cuddled. {Read More}
Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo Review
Do you have the type of hair that no matter what you do to it, it always seems to become oily and dull looking half way through the day? I know exactly what you are going through. It does not matter what I do to my hair, by the time I get half way through the day, my hair looks like crap. Recently I had the opportunity to review a product that would possible help me with my hair problem. {Read More}
I will not tolerate being lied to. I am honest in all the reviews I do. There is one thing in life I hate more then anything and that is being lied to. My 9 year old daughter even knows better then to tell me lies. So let this be a warning to those that enter the giveaways I host, as well as those who win the giveaways I host. If I find out you lie to me at any {Read More}