Our Bunnies

I cleaned the back room out for the bunnies and they are having a blast. This is not a small room, it is a actual bedroom. This is now the bunnies room. Thank god I got a carpet cleaner. I am gonna try to litter train them. Vacuuming up poop all the time sucks. So I went to Wal-mart and I got them a litter box. So far they are doing pretty well. They seem to wanna play under their {Read More}

Manuka Honey

What is Manuka Honey? Manuka honey is from bees who feed on the flowers of the Manuka bush, also known as the “Tea Tree” to produce a honey that has anti-bacterial properties. Tea tree oil is commonly from the related Melaleuca tree native to Australia and is used as a topical antibiotic and antifungal for wounds that fail to close. I am a fan of Tea Tree oil. It smells badly, but the smell is worth it. I first discovered {Read More}

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I just watched the trailer for the up coming Twilight movie. Yes I know it has been out for a bit now, I so can not wait until this movie is released. My 8 year old watched Twilight before I did, and she had to see it again so we rented the movie. I have to say I am in love. Can I love them both? I am so torn between Edward/Bella and Jacob/Bella. In-case you have not seen the {Read More}

Walk It Out Review

I struggle everyday with my weight. Saying I am over weight is an under statement I know I am overly obese. I know this is my fault, and no one else but me is to blame. Every since I quit working and gave up cigarettes, I have found 65 pounds. I was over weight before I gave up work and cigs, but now it is pure laziness. Again, I know this is all me. There isn’t anything anyone can say {Read More}

Time to Remodel

In a few weeks my husband will be taking his vacation from work. He has a huge to do list on his 7 days away from work. Some, but not all include the following… Fix the interior doors that are off the hinges. – Build awnings over the exterior doors – Finish cleaning up the back yard- Possibly fixing up the shed and seeing about getting new windows. I suppose I will be calling around to see how much replacement {Read More}

Health Reform Bill

I am having such a hard time trying to figure out why everyone is so pissed off about this bill.Granted I have not read this whole Bill. From my understanding this is what we need. Yes, it will cost us some money, but I mean a small amount of money is shit if it can save a child’s life. We as America do so much for other countries. It is about damn time they started doing more for our own {Read More}

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