The Benefits of Calorease and FBCx

There are a lot of diet supplements on the market that can help people lose weight, but I recently learned about a new, all-natural way to fight fat that’s free of stimulants and allergens. Fat Binding Pills with an All Natural Source Calorease contains a fat binding compound called FBCx that is taken naturally from grain. Although this fiber is sourced naturally from grain, it does not contain wheat allergens or gluten. It’s also safe for people that are allergic {Read More}

The Xbox One is Now Available for Pre-Order at

Gamers around the world have been lined up in anticipation for the Xbox One to start shipping in November, but Walmart has already began taking pre-orders for the biggest video gaming release of the year. The Xbox One pre-order bundle includes the Xbox One console, a special limited edition controller and a Kinect system for motion play. Gamers and gift givers are limited to one purchase at a time, so hopefully this one won’t be bought out by Ebay resellers. {Read More}

Triple Threat Sweet and Spicy Shrimp Recipe – Heart Healthy Foods

If you’re looking for heart healthy Omega-3 foods, there is no greater source than shrimp. With more Omega fatty acid than tuna or salmon, shrimp is a powerful food for maintaining cardiovascular health. This recipe however, provides health benefits for diabetes control and weight loss as well. I decided Triple Threat Sweet and Spicy Shrimp was a suitable name. It provides great health benefits with a familiar Asian flavor. This and other Asian style recipes make great dinners for health {Read More}

Get Offline and Go Outside 2013

With more people connected today than ever before, the Internet has become a big part of daily life. This summer we want to help everyone get offline and go outside by sharing all the the neat things that make going outside fun. Fun and Games One of the most important things that adults forget is to take time out to play. Participate in fun outdoor activities with the kids like hiking, fishing, camping and outdoor games. We’ll be showcasing the {Read More}

Streaming Entertainment Could Replace Conventional Television in the Future

Competition from streaming services, economic hurdles and contract disputes may lead to the end of TV as we know it. With the rise of services like Netflix, Hulu and others, cable and satellite TV providers are slowly becoming obsolete. The approaching changes in how most people watch programming are hurting television providers more than many would realize. Programmers are forcing television providers and customers to buy packaged channels in order to maximize profits, but streaming services allow users to pick {Read More}

Nvidia And Linux: A Match Made In Operating System Heaven

Our technologically driven society has came a long way in a short period of time, it’s no wonder Nvidia has literally became a household name. Something that many people may not know, is that the famous video card developer has a long history of supporting Linux and Unix operating systems. Nvidia maintains updated and full featured drivers for the Linux kernel. These drivers are often ported to other *nix operating systems as well. FreeBSD, a popular server operating system, is {Read More}

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