Being a pet owner, I always hate when the weather changes. Change of weather means Bella’s skin gets irritated, she starts itching non-stop and she eventually ends up breaking her skin open. This makes life miserable for her and bugs me because I had not found a solution to help her during the weather transitions. Recently, I was introduced to a product called Fauna Care. Fauna Care, is a wound spray for all pets, that help with hot spots, skin {Read More}
Avoiding the holiday from hell. Great tips all families should know
If anyone deserves a holiday this year, it’s you. You’ve worked hard, been stressed to the max and had to deal with a lot in a short space of time. Booking that holiday should certainly be a guilt-free experience. Unfortunately, there’s now a lot riding on that holiday. You want it to be completely stress-free, enjoy every moment and make plenty of happy memories with the kids. Sadly, not all family holidays turn out the way we hope. And while {Read More}
Choosing the Right Tank for your Fish Pet
A new aquarium is welcoming, as well as enjoyable to watch. When it comes to purchasing one, ensure it will offer you the best experience. Most people go to huge aquariums with lots of plastic plants, fish, and water. However, this may cause frustrations and the result may be dead fish. Instead, do your research to find the best fish tank that suits your needs, invest in beautiful decorations, and set it up properly. This way, you will be able {Read More}
Christmas gifts for the teen girl in your life
Watching your child grow into a mature, well-balanced adult is a wonderful thing. However, it’s not without its ups and downs. Mood swings, irritability, skin problems and relationship issues are also part of the package of growing up and having a teenager at home! As well as struggling to keep up with their latest mood, you may also come to learn that finding the right gift for your teen is a bit of a challenge and with the festive season {Read More}
The unbelievably dangerous hazards in your grocery store
There’s nothing more normal or routine than heading to the grocery store. Whether you loathe the weekly visit, or you can’t wait to browse in the aisle and find a bargain, grocery shopping is something we all have to put ourselves through. But did you know you could be putting yourself at risk? Believe it or not, grocery stores can be incredibly dangerous places, especially if they’re not being managed fully or adequately. Still need convincing? Read on to discover {Read More}
5 Most Common Rescue Dog Breeds
Visiting a dog shelter may leave you baffled as to why there are so many of the same breed of dog. Your assumption may be that they don’t make good pets. Or you may have a preconceived idea about a certain breed of dog perpetuated by society or the media. But most of the time, these assumptions and ideas are unfounded. The main reason for those common rescue dog breeds is simply because they are a popular breed of dog. {Read More}