How To Be Among The Best Hip Hop Music Producers

Hip hop is one of the most influential music genres of all time. The industry has seen a lot of growth and evolution thanks to both the rappers and producers, the likes of Snoop Dog and Dr.Dre.

Changes in production have resulted in the emergence of sub-genres such as trap music hence diversifying the hip hop culture. Thus it is evident that producers play a vital role in all these successes.

If you are dreaming of becoming a great one someday, there are certain key aspects that you must take into account. Below are a few tips. Also, you might consider checking out VST plugin resource if you are looking to create great hip hop sounds.

Look for guidance

Many people who are new to the field make the mistake of trying to navigate to the top on their own. This soon proves to be the wrong decision as they end up taking the wrong path and hit a dead end.

To avoid this, you need the guidance of someone who has been in the production business for a long time to show you the ropes. They will show you the trends and teach you the appropriate code of conduct necessary for the business.

A mentor will also help you secure your first deal thus setting you on the right track to success. To be the best you have to learn from the best hence you should seek a competent mentor. Be humble and learn all that you can from them.

You checkout this simple guide on how you can start creating basic beats .

Learn the fundamentals of music production

Everything that you will learn as you proceed will be built from the basics thus it is wise that you study and master the fundamentals. You should take music lessons to learn about key elements such as pitch and rhythm. Get to know other theoretical concepts of rap music to get a better understanding of this particular type of production.

Get to know studio etiquette

Most beginners don’t know how to conduct themselves in a production environment setting. To get the most out of the studio session you must know how to carry yourself in there.

You have to work with the artist and other professionals such as sound engineers in a coordinated manner. Know when to interrupt the recording and do it politely.

Don’t be bossy as this creates a tense environment that people find hard to work in thus slowing down productivity. Feel free to point out areas that you feel need adjustments and keep an open mind. Make the sessions enjoyable. Click here to read more about it.

Study the greats

The hip hop music industry is full of legends whose music is inspirational even to other rappers and are held in high esteem by hip hop lovers worldwide. Tupac and Biggie can perhaps be considered to be the two most iconic artists in this field.

Many great rappers look up to them when it comes to music. Therefore, it is very important that you study and analyze the style of music of some of those who have made it big in the industry.

This will enable you to identify some of the aspects of their work that people love and those that are hated hence allowing you to produce the best.

While doing all this, maintain your originality. Don’t try to be like anyone else as this is impossible and will only result in failure. Learn from the best but be yourself.

Make connections

As mentioned earlier, it is very hard to make it on your own. You will need support from time to time in terms of advice, finances, and opportunities among others.

For example, to get the chance to produce music for some great artists who you don’t know personally, you have to be connected to someone close to them.

You ought to have a well-developed network that you can rely on to come through for you in times of need. You can easily make connections by attending social events as these are normally filled with celebrities and other VIPs.

Explore and try different things

Some producers stick to one style of production. While this is comfortable for them it is not helpful as it doesn’t give room for growth.

After a while, people end up getting bored by their flow and this leads to their downfall. To remain relevant in the industry you have to be creative and bold enough to experiment with new beats different from the norms.

Chances are that either the acceptance won’t be that great or you will make it big time considering that your style is different from others. Either way, it helps you improve and makes you better.

Engage in legal contracts

Even if you are working with people that you’ve known your whole life and trust, it is proper that you all make agreements regarding payment through a legally binding contract.

Everyone’s share of the total percentage realized should be clearly stated. This prevents future quarrels and misunderstandings. The terms and conditions of all other operations should also be dictated on the contract.

On this note, it is important that you know your value as a producer. Do not allow yourself to be cheated off your rightful percentage. If the deal is not worth it then walk away. See more about it here

Let your work speak for itself

While it might be tempting to make posters advertising you and such, the best way is to let others identify you.

For this, you will have to make high-quality works that stand out from the rest. This will make artists and managers seek you thereby building your reputation as one of the best. Whatever you do, do it to your best capability.

Remember to give back by mentoring those who are upcoming once you make it to keep the industry alive.


Hip hop production is an art that requires passion, skill, and experience. It needs patience and dedication to master it and thrive. There are many production schools out there where one can learn the necessary skills. Still, it all comes down to you as an individual in terms of your attitude and the work you put in. You have to learn from your mistakes and those of others. Finally, keep it simple and have fun doing what you like.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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