Snapology Makes Learning Fun Plus Giveaway

Over the years, I have learned how important it is to make learning FUN.  With having several young nieces and nephews, I have seen first hand how when they’re having fun they actually learn. Learning shouldn’t be about books and paper. When we learn with books and paper all we do is memorize the material in front of us. When we learn through fun, the material we learn tends to stick with us, because we’re more focused on playing and having fun instead of just learning the material to pass a test or get a grade.

Snapology is popping up everywhere, if this is the first time you have heard about Snapology, you’re missing out!

Snapology provides not only hands-on learning for children ages 1-14, but they also provide interactive activities. When you engage a child in fun learning they will love to learn and will make memories that will last a lifetime. Snapology uses LEGO® bricks, K’Nex and technology to create a STEM learning experience through different workshops, classes, birthday parties and more.

Trying to decide what to do for that next birthday party? Book one today through Snapology and watch as your kids and their friends have fun learning.

Snapology knows how important it is for children to learn through fun and play. If you don’t have a Snapology in your area, you can start one. Not only is this a great opportunity this will help bring something to your community that will give kids a great learning experience. They’re franchise opportunity is affordable and flexible, not only can it be profitable, but you will be helping children of all ages interact and love to learn.

One lucky reader is going to have the chance to win a LEGO® brick set of the Snapology Mascot Sebastian Gator please be advised the recommended age for the giveaway prize is 6+


LEGO® brick set of the Snapology Mascot Sebastian Gator age recommendation is 6+


Leave a blog comment telling me what are somethings you do to make learning fun for your child.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Rules

Giveaway is open to those in the US 18 and older. In order to win you MUST comment on this blog post failure to do so will forfeit all entries and you will not be drawn as a winner.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. I like to offer a variety of building toys – legos, k’nex, wooden blocks. That way he doesn’t get bored with just one kind.

  2. Snapology is so fun! We would spend so much time there if we could!

  3. We do a lot of creative play, painting, playdough etc..

  4. We go on educational field trips sometimes to Zoo’s and Museums

  5. Shannon baas says

    we use cooking as a way to learn about math.

  6. Melanie Bolin says

    I bribe them. Straight up. 3 straight A kids that don’t get into trouble, it works :)

  7. We love going to science and kids museums for fun learning adventures

  8. Brandi Swanson says

    My daughter loves to play games so we make learning into games!

  9. We try to make learning involve games or creative play

  10. Antoinette M says

    My kids love games, so we try to make a game of it.

  11. Jennifer Keating says

    My daughter is 4 and she loves sing so we learn how to count and do our ABC’s with singing. We’ve also used it to incorporate it into other things, so she can remember things throughout the day.

  12. Debbie Erickson says

    We try to do lots of field trips to museums or nature centers to provide hands on exposure to different things to spark interest in learning.

  13. We home school so we try to incorporate play into school with games, field trips, etc

  14. JAMES LYNAM says

    READ & PLAY MEMORY GAMES. Then have some ice cream.

  15. beth shepherd says

    we like to play games with math. We roll the dice and add or mulitply the numbers that way.

  16. Melissa Shirley says

    I have a special needs child. I also work with special needs children. So I am always looking for ways to make learning fun for them. Are usually try to make games or file folder games for them so that they can do things independently. I also use a lot of colors so that I can colorcode lessons like math and reading so that the students can use the color codes to do things like math and reading independently. Sometimes children with special needs wait for cues from adults. So I try to create lessons so that I do not have to constantly tell them you need to do this or that. They can see what they have to do through visual cues like colors or picture symbols.

  17. We bake together, it is fun and they are still learning

  18. Azeem Isaahaque says

    Something I do to make learning fun is to do actual physical experiments and crafts to visualize everything

  19. Nicole Martin says

    We play games with cards and dice that help him learn math.

  20. angie depue says

    We always encourage our kids to learn as they play. We also make small competitions and challenges to earn rewards!

  21. I incorporate play with learning.

  22. We enjoy putting together puzzles and reading books.

  23. My daughter actually loves to practice her handwriting and math, so I print out work pages that I find on Pinterest for her. We also make up clever songs for her to remember stuff she is learning at school.

  24. Laurie Nykaza says

    I have games we play with letters and numbers with my nephew it helps him with his words and spelling.

  25. Elizabeth B says

    My son is 22 years old now, but I’ve got several Great Nieces and Great Nephews in the newborn to 14 years old range. When I’m in a position to help teach them something it is very interactive/hands on. When they are little it is so nice to sit with them and read to them. Inevitably they will ask questions about whatever you are reading to them. they will have to use their imaginations to “see” the characters in their mind. It’s a great way to share knowledge with them.

  26. Karen Gonyea says

    We make learning fun by reinforcing ideas with fieldtrips !!

  27. Incorporate learning into board games. We have family game night with a lot of reading and adding numbers.

  28. Dawn Ballo says

    We like to go on nature hikes.

  29. Carrie miyake says

    We do lots of messy science projects that make learning fun for our daughter

  30. We like to play board games together. Lately we enjoy playing the ones where is everyone against the game. Teaches them to be a team player, strategy, etc. We also got the boys a programming membership for Tynker where they get to make their own video games and Minecraft worlds.

  31. Anne Higgins says

    I try to pass along all the fun my parents shared with our (all of my siblings) learning – we made songs which made everything easier to remember! Great feeling to pass it on to our wee ones.

  32. Snapology is amazing! Great place to bring little kids to have fun, learn, and work together.

  33. Games are great way to get kids interested in learning! Love it.

  34. Jacqueline Daly says

    I let me children help me in the kitchen with simple cooking and stirring. Also, we read together each night before bed.

  35. susan smoaks says

    we like to do a lot of reading and we do some fun math workbooks too. learning can be fun.

  36. We make learning fun. Games are a big hit – we count a lot ( we count the cars as they go by, the trees outside, how many cans I bought at the store…lol). We love crafts and art projects too!

  37. Kids love to play pretend, especially to act like adults. It provides an opportunity to teach them the basics of the real “adult” world and makes it fun simultaneously!

  38. Turning learning into games is always fun and so much easier!

  39. We sort different shapes and build with blocks, and get creative with different fake foods in her play kitchen

  40. She likes contests and creating things so we make games out of things

  41. we play a lot of educational games and go on a lot of field trips

  42. Amanda Whitley says

    i make learning fun by incorporating games and toys. we count toys and do math problems with them and play tons of educational games.

  43. What kid doesn’t love to play?! It’s just an extra benefit that they get to learn at the same time.

  44. Saundra Bowers says

    Bring fun into it and do projects and games asa family.

  45. We go to museums and the zoo, as well as work on puzzles.

  46. Family outings to museums!

  47. We play all kinds of games.

  48. Legos have been helpful in learning fractions for my grandson. The different sizes make a colorful display which can be a real help in understanding the concepts. Otherwise, there are several board games out that can help with other areas of learning.

  49. Have all of their favorite toys ready and waiting for them. My brother was just on tv for having 6 million Lego’s in his collection.

  50. Stephanie Liske says

    I like to make learning something of interest to them. My daughter likes singing so we go with that for her, and my son likes video games so we incorporate those into learning for him.

  51. Brenda Elsner says

    I incorporate learning in just about everything we do. I try to make it fun for the kids!! Sometimes we build things with whatever we can find, we play little games when cleaning and cooking.

  52. Incorporate field trips like going to the park into their learning

  53. We do a lot of science experiments and stuff together. The kids love it. We also play games that use words or math like scrabble or dominoes.

  54. my sons are both adhd and have trouble with math. We use lego block to help with our math facts and math homework! its fun and educational.

  55. I only have him work in small chunks so he will not get bored and stir crazy. Thank you

  56. cindy mahoney says

    I always find out what they like to do and then base some learning into it,

  57. Brittany Carter says

    I do lots of hands on projects that help the kids understand things better

  58. I make learning fun by doing it with them. They are always happy to have the one on one attention

  59. Crayons and LEGOs, separately, of course!

  60. Jenn eggert says

    I try and tie in what we are learning to interests they have. Math is often done with baking or Lego’s. Reading is done however I can keep her attention which is currently learning about animals.

  61. Jennifer H. says

    We make it a game.

  62. We work and then take a game break.

  63. angela smith says

    My son likes to build and knock them down for fun ..he also liked board games especially ones with houses and other things he can knock down

  64. sharon daniels says

    I buy the educational games so they can learn why we play

  65. Kayla Klontz says

    We play a lot f games play play doh, logos, lots of fun stuff.

  66. Kasey Kollman says

    I turn it into a game to make it more fun .

  67. Amber Hensley says

    We play a lot of learning games and I give them candy sometimes for doing good and that really makes them want to learn ;)

  68. Darlene Owen says

    We play all sorts of games for them to learn, dominoes teaches them patience and they learn to match. We play reading games as my granddaughter is 5 and just learning to read.

  69. Samantha tor says

    We love drawing and playing things like board games and card games to keep my son’s mind moving

  70. kathy pease says

    With my granddaughter we like to play games with flash cards she is 2

  71. laura bernard says

    We love playing games!

  72. We sing a lot of songs to help with remembering numbers and letters.

  73. Make a game out of it and be present and energetic!

  74. Jennifer Barr says

    learning games

  75. MaryRose Hazzard says

    Building things together , baking , and making memories.

  76. Katherine S says

    My son likes to do a lot of crafts and outside activities so sometimes I just take the inside activities outside and we make a lot of crafts.

  77. I work in rewards to make learning fun, like picking the game we’ll play on family game night

  78. Christina London says

    We try different things. New things. We try everything at least once.

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