Driving a commercial vehicle can be one of the most stressful jobs. Even seasoned professionals are consistently faced with situations that test their expertise. There are many factors that play a role in driver safety. Here are six safety tips for driving a large commercial vehicle on the job.
Try to Avoid Traffic
Traffic poses a few challenges to commercial drivers. People tend to be more aggravated while in traffic, which causes them to make poor driving decisions. It can also be hard to stop quickly when driving a large vehicle. The best way to deal with traffic is to avoid it entirely by operating at non-peak times. This, however, isn’t always an available option. Real-time GPS through services such as Google Maps is extremely useful for commercial drivers. This can show congestion on a route, and automatically suggests the most efficient path.
Don’t Follow Too Closely
Commercial drivers can fall into the habit of getting too close to the vehicle in front of them. There are a couple reasons why this happens. First, drivers get comfortable with their rig, and sometimes forget that it takes them a long time to brake. Falling behind on a delivery can also influence drivers to get too aggressive on the road. Remember that it can take a semi-truck travelling 55 mph over 500 feet to reach a complete stop. And that’s with good brakes. This is why it’s so important to continually remind yourself not to get too close to vehicles in front of you.
Make Sure You and Vehicle Are Compliant
Like most industries, there are safety regulations put in place for different types of commercial vehicles. This includes various forms of licensing and certification based on vehicle type and location. Most places also have rules about how long you can be behind the wheel. Make sure you understand all the rules of your type of commercial driving before you get behind the wheel. It’s also important to remember that your vehicle is insured. Getting commercial auto insurance quotes is easier now than ever before. There’s really no excuse for being non-compliant when everything you need can be found with a quick search on the Internet.
Don’t Fall Victim to Distracted Driving
Commercial drivers are particularly vulnerable to the allure of distracted driving because they spend so much time on the road. No matter how tempting it seems, nothing makes distracted driving worth it. Truck and bus drivers are more than 23 times more likely to leave their lane, crash, or nearly crash if they are texting. It’s more than just your job that’s on the line here. If you make a mistake while driving a commercial vehicle, it could cost someone their life.
Check Your Rig before Getting Back on the Road
It doesn’t matter if you’re going across town or if you’re on the last leg of a cross-country voyage, it’s always wise to check the condition of your vehicle. There are all sorts of weird things that can happen while your attention is somewhere else. Do a basic safety check of your rig before getting behind the wheel. It’s much easier to solve issues before they become problems; and problems become catastrophic when they’re combined with high speeds and the mass of a commercial vehicle.
Slow Down
Along with other driving-related safety tips, simply slowing down can be the difference between life and death. As already stated, commercial vehicles can’t brake like cars. They really don’t drive like cars in any way except for the fact that they can reach high top speeds if given enough time. Traveling too fast just makes it more difficult to correct errors or react to other drivers. Constantly check your speed to make sure you haven’t accidentally starting moving at an unsafe speed.
Driving a commercial vehicle can be a rewarding experience. However, it also comes with its challenges. Follow these guidelines to ensure you’re staying safe on the road.
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