For many parents, the idea of traveling long distances with their children in the car fills them with dread and horror, but unfortunately, it is sometimes unavoidable. Whether it’s a journey to a family vacation destination, or a trip to visit family across the state, it’s a journey every family has to make sometimes. The key to peace, happiness, comfort and expediency is preparation. Filling the car with entertainment, comfy soft furnishings, and bribes, if necessary, can help to guarantee the ease of travel. Here’s everything you need to know.
Setting off on a lengthy car journey with children without serious preparation is a rookie mistake, there’s no doubt about that. While it’s not technically a military operation, taking that attitude certainly doesn’t hurt. Start by preparing the kids. Tell them where you’ll be going and encourage them to feel enthusiastic about the destination – this will make them impatient during the journey, but not resentful. It also helps to tell them about the journey there – what they will see out of the window, what entertainment and snacks you will be taking for them, and how long it will take. It enables them to interact with their surroundings, enjoy the view, and might even keep the “are we there yet” question at bay, at least for a while.
Secondly, prep your vehicle. Check the tires are at full pressure, the emergency supplies such as first aid kit, hi-vis jacket, and spare tire are all available, and that you have spare hand-held fans, blankets and jumpers, and water in case of a breakdown. Suffering a car malfunction while you’re on the road is frustrating, but when there are kids involved, it becomes a whole other kettle of fish. The priority is keeping them warm and safe while you await help, but depending where you are this could take hours, so food, water, and entertainment are also essential.
Okay, okay, screen time is a little bit problematic, but if it keeps them quiet for an hour or so then it might be well worth compromising on screen time rules for the sake of your sanity. An iPad (with car charger) is perfect for games and movies, and quite easily usable for kids of any age. Allow them to choose a couple of games before you set off, but be sure to remind them that they can’t just use the iPad for the whole journey, otherwise they might never nap. A camera (preferably childproof) is also a great long-journey addition. Encouraging them to take photos out of the window of interesting things and scenery that you pass can be really interesting for them, and it takes their mind off the iPad that they want to play on for longer.
Sometimes the electronics have exhausted themselves, and it’s time for family games. iSpy is too easy, divisive, and prone to causing arguments – it’s time to get inventive. Why not encourage them to make phrases out of the letters on car numberplates that you pass – it’s hilarious to hear what they come out with. Or the alphabet game, where the car splits in two, and each side has to look out of their window and find signs which contain each letter of the alphabet, in order, from A to Z. The first side to complete the alphabet wins. Other alphabet games involve naming animals, countries, capital cities, or states beginning with each letter of the alphabet in order, until one person gets stuck – better for older kids, but educational as a bonus. Keeping kids entertained takes a bit of imagination, and mom and dad’s involvement is sometimes required, but if it stops them from whining that they’re hungry/bored/tired, then it’s a worthy compromise.
Sitting still for long periods of time is difficult for the best of us, but little bundles of energy find it even more difficult than we do. A comfortable car seat is the best place to start, and it helps to guarantee their safety too. Soft seat belt covers can protect delicate skin, as the harsh fabric of the seatbelt can sometimes rub after a while. They can be bought from most automobile stores, but they’re easy to sew or knit yourself, if you’ve got the time. It’s also always useful to know when the next comfort break will be. If your Sat Nav doesn’t have that sort of information, consider taking a road map too, which will have public restrooms and roadside facilities marked. When you’re traveling with children, don’t leave finding a restroom at the last minute to chance.
Choosing the right clothing for long journeys is part of the secret to comfort, and this goes for the adults as well as the little ones. It’s all about layers of soft, stretchy fabrics. Layers are important as the car can heat up and cool down rapidly, and also be at odds with outside temperatures, so being able to take off and add layers means everyone is better able to define their comfort. Try to avoid denim, as this has very little give and can cause a lot of discomfort. Fabrics should be stretchy and breathable so that they don’t dig in to flesh, causing problems over longer periods.
When you’re surrounded by windows, it can be difficult to keep the sun off, meaning that people in the car can get far too warm, and it can cause glare on electronic screens too. Using window covers to offer shade is essential for the comfort of everyone in the car. You can even buy car seats, such as those at, which have covers that offer shade to youngsters. If worst comes to the worst, wind the window down slightly and use a towel, blanket, or even a jumper trapped between the window and the door to block the sun from slowly roasting family members alive.
Everyone wants to be at a different temperature on a car journey – it’s just one of those things that nobody can ever agree on. Taking lots of clothing layers, blankets, and even duvets allows everyone to warm up as much as they like. It’s also useful to take hand held fans in case people are too hot too. Getting the balance right is almost impossible, so letting people choose their own temperature is crucial. Filling the car with blankets is also great for makeshift pillows when nap time finally rolls around.
Whatever happens, you’re going to end up with a few insects in your car. If you’ve ever experienced a baby with mosquito bites, you know it’s something to work hard to avoid. Car seats with covers are great for keeping insects off children, allowing them to play and snooze safely in the back of the car. If you know you’ll be traveling through an area with mosquito’s, it’s best to travel prepared with repellent.
Even if your journey will occur between meals, or you plan to stop off for lunch, there is something about traveling that makes children (and everyone, to be honest) inexplicably hungry. Snacks aren’t only a treat; they’re a necessity. Don’t just give them a bag of candy and tell them to help themselves – ration them out. Give them a piece of candy every 20 miles for good behavior, and use them as rewards for winners of games. The best way to keep good behavior on a long car journey with children is bribery and reward, and candy and chips are by far the best means to administer.
If you’ve got a long car journey coming up, don’t worry – you can survive the stress. If you’re a seasoned traveler with young kids, get in touch with some of your top tips for getting through it safely, comfortably, and with your sanity intact.
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