Sleep Hygiene: Simple Steps to Get Your Best Rest Ever

At weekends or during the holiday season, many people are partying and having fun. This often means late nights and lack of sleep. When the party time is over you may be feeling the negative effects of sleep deprivation. If you’re feeling foggy-brained and bleary-eyed, here are some tips on how you can make up for lack of sleep.

Make the Most of Power Naps

If you need to re-charge in hurry, put down your coffee and take a power nap instead. The best time to take one is straight after lunch. If you can grab a 20-minute power nap, this will help to enhance your motor learning skills and increase your alertness. If you have the time to nap for 30-60 minutes, you can reap the benefits of improved creativity, better decision making skills and increased memory skills.

Get to Bed On Time

Go to bed at a regular time each night. Don’t force yourself to stay awake when you feel tired. You quality of sleep will be greatly improved if you get into a good sleep routine. To help you maintain a consistent sleeping and rising time, use an app like Alarm Clock For Me, it’s available for free on the Google App store. This app will not only wake you gently each morning to the sound of your favorite tunes, it will also lull you to sleep. You can preset a time and the app will play your choice of relaxing music as you drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Improve the Quality of your Sleep Hygiene

Most health expert will tell you that you should be getting eight hours sleep each night, but for many people that’s simply not possible. If you suffer from chronic pain, a weak bladder, or insomnia you may have difficulty falling asleep and stay asleep. Quality of sleep is more important than quantity. If you want to find out more about your sleep quality you can use a wearable sleep tracking device, that will let you know how often you wake up during the night and how many hours you actually sleep.

Ditch the Caffeine

If you want to be able to relax and fall asleep relatively quickly at night, don’t drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages in the early evening. The best time to start cutting back is around 3pm in the afternoon. This will allow plenty of time for your system to flush out the caffeine.

Turn Off the Technology

If you want a restful night’s sleep, avoid watching television in bed at night, this will only stimulate your brain and make it harder for you to all asleep. Put your phone in airplane mode so that you won’t be disturbed by late-night calls. This will still allow you to make emergency calls in needed.

If you’re sleepy and sluggish it’s tough to look and feel your best so it’s important to maintain a healthy sleep routine and remember to get enough ZZZs.

Guest article provided to The Neat Things in Life by Hannah Quinn. Hannah Quinn used to be an insomniac but by trying a variety of different ways she has finally, for the most part, cracked the problem. Read how she did it.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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