We all know what it’s like to wake and think about that daunting mental to-do list. Here’s a great way to deal with that morning anxiety: make a physical to do list. A daily planner helps you keep track of your time and manage your day, but how do you make it work for you?
1. Write It Down Today, Do It Tomorrow
Establish a system where you’re current day is already planned and any tasks you think of get done tomorrow. With a finite amount of time, you can’t get everything done if today’s to-do list keeps expanding. Unless it’s truly and deeply urgent, put tasks you think of on tomorrow’s list.
2. Chip Away At Backlogs
Backlogs happen to even the most capable time managers so don’t sweat it. However, don’t try to get everything done at once either. Set aside time to chip away at your backlog and allow yourself time to get things done. This will keep your stress to a minimum.
3. Do You Need a Separate Appointment Book?
The choice to have a second appointment book is entirely dependent on your daily schedule. If you have frequent appointments, a separate appointment book can work for you. You’ll have plenty of space for your to-do lists and appointment schedule.
4. Find What Works and Run With It
Ultimately, only you can say what works best for you. If you like lots of highlights or just plain black and blue pens, go with whatever feels right. As long as you stick to your system, you can’t go wrong.
Tackling the day ahead is much easier when you have a plan. Plus, there’s a special satisfaction that comes with physical cross out a task. Don’t hesitate to get out there and start planning your organization with glee. With the right system, you’ll enjoy organizing your daily schedule.
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