Game night was a tradition for many families in the past, but it’s largely been lost because of technological distractions. However, any group can bring back game night with just a few updates to the festivities. Shut off the smartphone, tablet and television because game night can come roaring back with some laughing good times.
Begin With the Basics
Gin rummy, poker and even “go fish” are games that most people are familiar with across the generations. Pick simple games that can be quickly explained so that the action can start. A game that’s too complicated won’t intrigue the family, and game night might end up being a bust. Add in a few classic board games too. Games don’t always need to be card-centric in nature.
Create Your Own Vegas
A lively way to spruce up game night is by creating Las Vegas at home. Purchase a green tablecloth that has the blackjack outline from the casinos. Slide on a black vest, deal out the cards and stack the chips. In no time, you’ll have a fun game of blackjack going on right at your dining table. The chips can be played as pennies or candy to make the matches even more interesting.
Play a Unique Game After Bedtime
When the kids head off to bed, consider a more adult card game for the group. Cards Against Humanity Australia offers a unique game that includes unusual questions, and players use their answers to form hilarious responses. This game is quickly catching on as a perfect way to entertain adults when everyone is simply hanging out in the living room. Try to keep the laughter down as the kids fall asleep.
Try Speed Board Games
If you’re not thrilled about the board games at your house, make them more interesting by playing them at top speed. Set a timer to 5 or 10 minutes, and rapidly play the game until the alarm rings. Keep track of the winner after each speed round. At the end of the night, award the winner with a funny hat or trophy.
Keep track of your games’ pieces throughout the night so that nothing becomes lost. In fact, you may want to designate a closet or shelf for these items exclusively. With some organization and dedication to the games, each week will have a fun-filled night that brings everyone together.
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