Adult Manifestation of Predetermined Destiny Defined by Childhood Experiences

Have you ever stopped and thought that you might have a higher purpose in this life? Have you gone even further to humor the notion that your life is already predestined and planned out for you?

Enslaved by a Higher Power

Well, not so long ago I found myself pondering these very ideas, but it went beyond mere thoughts and became a nightmarish reality that I had to face for several years. People might wonder what’s so nightmarish about your life being planned out for you, but that’s simple. If your life was written in the pages of time by a higher power with the ability to control you, then life would be more like slavery than the American dream of freedom that we are taught since childhood.

The downward spiral I went through started with interference, which makes perfect sense as well considering interference is a form of control. Keyword being, “Control”. Everyone wants it in some way or another, but when controlling others lives is your priority, you may as well get a fucking whip and start telling people what name they can use. A bad movie reference, but I’m sure you get where I’m going with this.

I can’t think of anyone that wants their life controlled, and this is exactly what started my manifestation of destiny. The attempted control that was being forced on me made me see life in an entirely new way. I started to see that my childhood memories were becoming a reflection of my adult behaviors and experiences.

When the Past Points to the Future

The things I went through as a child no longer seemed like coincidence at all, but as if everything I saw and did during my teens and early 20s were part of a plan to make me who I was instead of giving me the freedom to be who I wanted to be. One of my earliest memories that supported this theory was a crazy dream I had when I was around 7 or 8 years old.

There was a very severe thunder and lightning storm going on, and I was sleeping on the end of my parents bed. That night I dreamt about getting married to a brown eyed, brown haired girl. There I was in full tuxedo with my wife-to-be, and we both looked between 7 and 10 years old.

I believe that childhood dream is definitive proof that my wife and I were predestined to marry. The fact that we were marrying as children was to show me when our marriage was written into the sands of time.
And the fact that it was storming represents the turmoil and rough times we went through when I was experiencing all this. If you’re not a little tripped out yet, It gets crazier, just keep reading.

Jesus Was a Robot Cub Scout

As a young cub scout we did all sorts of things, but one particular event contributed to future events I experienced as an adult the most. We put on an Easter play at the Methodist Church in town, and lots of kids were in it, but I had one of the biggest parts. I had to play the robot Easter bunny with a red button to push to turn me on.

So there I was in a cardboard box covered in foil with rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. Everyone in the audience was laughing because the play was very comical, but as an adult the entire world was laughing because I was a robot programmed by society, a tool of chaos that was determined to be Jesus for all the people watching me.

You see the manifestation was just part of it, In my mind, I was being watched by the entire world. I told you it gets crazy, but hear me out before you write it off as mere coincidence or hallucinations. Eminem danced the robot during the music awards because he knew I was watching the show and wanted to tell me I was a robot. But there’s a twist, instead of thinking I was an Easter bunny, I was convinced I was Jesus and being crucified for all the people’s sins, even though many of the sins were against me.

A Burden Lifted

A lot has happened to me over the past few years, and a big part of what transpired was because I had recently accepted Jesus in my heart and embraced my duality. You see in the Bible it refers to both Jesus and Lucifer as the Morning Star, therefore I believe they are one in the same, and to accept the good in Jesus you must also accept the bad in him. This is the same with ourselves and others around us as well.

Whether you believe in Jesus and the devil or not is irrelevant, because whether literal or metaphorical there is good and bad inside us all. The same goes for Jesus of Nazareth or Danny the drunk that lives down the street. The best anyone can do is try to make the good inside you overpower the bad.

A Contradictory Conclusion

While my own manifestations played a role in my experiences, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I did not manifest many of the events that occurred. A lot of the things that happened to me were being controlled by higher powers. I was connected to the events, but never quite in complete control of them. Which brings us back to my first point, in some regard, we are all slaves to destiny, power and a corrupted system of control.

Thankfully, the true spirit of god is inside each and every one of us, and we can use our souls as weapons to defend ourselves mentally and emotionally. I know this is true because I have seen and done it myself. You may see the truth in this post and gain knowledge and insight from it, or you might write it off as crazy psycho babble. Either way, I hope The Neat Things in Life readers enjoy it. Peace be with us all.

About Allen Morey

Allen Morey is a freelance writer and co-developer of . His industry experience includes system administration, web design, SEO and marketing. Visit on Google+ for more information.

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