6 Ways to Get Your Summer Reads Digitally

When the sun is shining and the weather is warm, there is nothing like sitting outside and enjoying a good book. Whether you are relaxing in a hammock or lounging by the pool, use a tablet or smartphone to enjoy your summer reads without setting foot in a book store.
Here are some ways to catch up on your reading digitally.



Image via Flickr by Michael Covel

Kindle is one of the most popular readers on the market, but did you know there is also an app you can download on any smartphone or tablet? Connect your Kindle account to the app and you can read any of the books you already own or enjoy any magazines, newspapers, or blogs to which you already subscribe. Plus. if you are looking for something new to read, you can enjoy one of Kindle’s many free books or purchase a little download for yourself from the Kindle store using your existing account.

Google Books

If you use an Android tablet, try Google Books. You’ll have access to over 2 million titles. Plus, it syncs with your Google library so you can access your reading material from anywhere. Like Amazon Kindle, Google Books syncs all the media you bought through the system, so you can access your favorites from where ever you are. Google Books also offers a variety of free and low-cost books.

Apple iBooks

Apple iBooks makes catching up on your reading easy. Just download the app while connected to a trustworthy network and sign in with your Apple ID to sync your library and purchase books on the go. You can read your Apple iBooks as well as any PDF files you have uploaded to your iBooks account, making it easy to catch up on whatever interests you, especially when you view your books on a smartphone with a crystal-clear display like the iPhone 6 Plus’ retina HD display. Apple iBooks also offers a range of free and discounted selections.

Barnes and Noble Nook

If you are a Barnes & Noble customer, there’s an app for that. Read on your Nook on download the app to your tablet. You’ll only be able to enjoy books purchased through the app, but it syncs between devices and offers millions of titles, including many free books.


Stray from the beaten path and discover a new author with Wattpad. This is a social community designed to connect budding writers and curious readers. There are already over 3 million titles for you to read, review, and share with your network. Find a new favorite or connect with an old friend, as Wattpad makes reading social.


You can also listen to books on the go with Audible, the world’s largest audio book provider. Enjoy endless audio books and social media integration while you work on your tan, man the grill, or relax in the shade.

Being able to access all your favorite books and discover new ones is a great concept, but the execution is only as good as the app you use. Choose one of these favorite and get your summer reads digitally, no matter where you are.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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