How A Brilliant Pet Can Enrich The Life Of An Elderly Relative

It’s no fun getting old, and each of us knows somebody who is in their twilight years. Though they look like they enjoy old age, their thoughts are often the same as they were decades ago. They still look out of the same eyes but can’t do the things of which they were once capable. Those wrinkles came from many years of experience and wisdom. It is often a lonely time of life, as they will tell you if you take the time to ask. Tiredness and aching joints mean that they aren’t as active as they used to be and therefore they can’t join in with the rest of the family activities in the way they would like.

Have you ever noticed how they light up when you pop in for a visit? Or they might talk your ears off. It is because they are happy to see you. My word; it sounds like I am talking about an alien species, doesn’t it? The fact is that the elderly are lonely, insecure, and frightened; just like the rest of us. We live in a civilized society where we care for the weakest, and they need special consideration. We will all be in their shoes one day and only then will we understand how it feels to be old.

Does your nan or grandad sit in their home alone a lot of the time? Though you visit several times a day to check on them, the hours between can be quiet and lonely. Lots of people find that a pet enriches their lives. There are many reasons for it; let’s take a look at some of them.

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When you are frail and alone, you spend much of the time contemplating your lot and worrying about what the future has in store. A pet cat or dog gives you something other than yourself on which to focus your thoughts. Animals bring responsibility. It is vital that they get the best food and medical care so that they can live a happy and healthy life. Everybody likes to feel wanted, and a pet will always welcome you when you come home from an excursion.


It matters not whether you are young or old, we all get lonely sometimes. The elderly find it more difficult to go out and seek companionship. Maybe it is because of the dark nights or cold weather. To a younger person who is steady on their feet and has perfect eyesight, those conditions present no obstacle. In the evenings, it is good to have a companion, whether it is a cat or a dog. Seeing them sleep in front of the fire lets you relax because all is well. They will climb on your lap or nuzzle you whenever they get a chance and make you feel less isolated.


Most people experience an anxious time when they are home alone. Even though there is no danger, our imaginations can run away with us sometimes. The sight of a snoozing dog or cat gives you confidence that all is well. Their senses are far superior to ours, and if anything strange were afoot, they would be the first to know.
When they fall into a routine of walking the dog, people will expect to see them at a particular time of day. Those people will miss them if they are ill or have an accident at home. It could compel them to knock the door and see if all is well there.

Healthy Exercise

Cats pretty much take care of themselves. You just open the door and let them go. Dogs, on the other hand, cannot roam the streets unaccompanied. Once or twice a day they should go out for a walk. That gives an elderly person an excuse to get some fresh air. Maybe they can’t walk very far, but that’s why we invented mobility scooters. Nobody expects them to be able to keep up with a dog, and these battery-powered marvels are a brilliant solution. They can attach the lead to the scooter and head off at a leisurely pace for miles. I accept that a small dog with short legs will probably need a ride home, but that is fine. Walking the dog every day could reduce their risk of getting heart disease or a stroke because it will help to keep the walker’s blood pressure under control.

Mental Exercise

It is a fact that pets can ease symptoms of anxiety. They are even allowed into the hospital sometimes to see their owners. If you can control anxiety, it will help to prevent a raft of other conditions that can arise from it. Depression is rife these days and having one foot in the grave is bound to lead to sad thoughts. Agoraphobia is another condition from which hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people suffer from to some degree. It arises from anxiety in one form, or another.

Social Life

Walking the dog every day will lead to interaction with others who may be in the same situation. Only people who experience the same problems can empathize with one another. Do you smile at two old people complaining about the world? They do it because there is plenty to complain about from their point of view. There might also be children in the local area who are glad to see their pet when they are out, and it helps to bridge the gap between the generations. That helps the kids too; maybe they don’t get many chances to interact with an elderly person.

It isn’t all plain sailing; pets cost a lot of money. They need inoculations and regular treatment for pet fleas. Animals get sick just like the rest of us, and we worry about them. Still, I believe the pros outweigh the cons.

Do you think someone you know would benefit from owning a pet? Maybe they think that they are too old. Of course, it is unfair to ask them to look after an animal if they are incapable, but that depends on the animal too. Cats, for example, need little care. You Could pop around once a day to open a tin of food for it. If you fit a flap in the door, they can let themselves in and out too. Animals have a lot to offer us; they could be the solution you seek for a multitude of issues.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. I know this is so true. My mom loves pets. She has lost a few and only has one left inside, but if she loses her last one she would have to have another one or she would go crazy.

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