Treat Skin Conditions and Pain with ZIM’S

You may have already heard of ZIM’S Crack Creme, it’s a specially formulated ointment for the symptoms of mild to moderate skin conditions. I was excited to review the all new ZIM’S Advanced since I have mild eczema and poison ivy allergies, but I received a tube of ZIM’S MAX pain relief cream for review as well. Let me tell you a little bit about the products, and how they worked for me.

zim's crack creme

I’ve been having eczema inflammation on my arm all summer long, so I tried ZIM’S Advanced Crack Creme on it right away. Within a couple days of using the product, the dry, itchy red rash was gone. The ointment contains 1% hydrocortisone, so there’s no doubt it will stop the itching. The difference with ZIM’S, is that it also contains a variety of organic ingredients to help with skin problems such as poison ivy, psoriasis and insect bites. It contains aloe and a natural anti-inflammatory called arnica. It worked really well for my eczema, and my rash hasn’t come back.

From time to time, I have pretty bad knee pain. ZIM’S MAX works just as well as other pain ointments that use Menthol, but with extra benefits like the anti-inflammatory effects of arnica. Furthermore, ZIM’S MAX is non-greasy, and it doesn’t smell as strongly as other pain creams I’ve used.

Whether you’re looking for a solution to an itchy skin condition or hassle free pain relief in a tube, ZIM’S has some very unique and highly effective products. Head over to the ZIM’S website, and check out their entire skin care line. If you have eczema, skin allergies or pain, grab some ZIM’s, and try it for yourself.

About Allen Morey

Allen Morey is a freelance writer and co-developer of . His industry experience includes system administration, web design, SEO and marketing. Visit on Google+ for more information.

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