Infinity Jars Review



With living a healthier lifestyle, we have cut back on a lot of processed foods and products. We try to make our own sauces and we blend up our own season blends. This way we know what is in them, and we know it’s all product and not 90% filler. Recently, I was introduced to a product that would help me keep the sauces I make fresher for a longer period of time.

Infinity Jars

Infinity Jars, come in different shapes and sizes, and are made to keep lights and scents out. With being made of ultraviolet glass, infinity jars will keep your products, whether dry goods, oils, or even cosmetics fresher longer. Some products will hold up for as long as 2 years in the infinity jars, the reason being they’re made to be airtight, light-proof and scent-proof.

The secret to the product lasting longer, is the fact the jar is made of ultraviolet glass, which keeps the bad lights that break down our products out, and allows the good lights in.

We were sent a few different jars to test out.

Infinity Jars

The items I received were the 50ml cosmetic jar, 250ml screw top jar, and the 250ml oil bottle.

Each bottle has its own purpose, the cosmetic jar was designed for cosmetics, whether store bought, or your own homemade lip balms, lotions, or other home products you feel the need to use the tiny jar for. The compact size makes for easy carrying of your product. Stash it in your purse and you’re good to go.

The 250ml screw top jar, is good for pretty much any product, whether you want to make a large batch of lotion, or store some fresh herbs. This is the jar that will do the trick, I have went an made up a bunch of taco seasonings, because we use these seasonings for just about everything so having them protected from the light is a plus!

I also put the jars to the smell test, I places some onions in the jar closed it up and sniffed, what does that mean? It means if you have onions you can store them in the jar in your fridge and not have to worry about your milk having an onion smell/taste.

The 250ml oil bottle is one of my favorites, while it maybe intended for oils, I am using mine for steak sauce. I am sure in time I will be using it or something else, but for now I have some sauce in it.

I cannot tell you the products I have put in them will last 6 months to two years, because I haven’t used the product for that long, I can tell you these are well made, are dishwasher safe, and do lock out the light and the smells.

Infinity Jars can be purchased on the Infinity Jar website, the prices vary depending on which jars you get. If you purchase $100 worth of product you will get free shipping!


About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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