I have less than two weeks left of the 70 Day challenge, this has changed my whole outlook on everything. I now see my body needs to move more, if I don’t I get super sleepy. I am still learning what to eat, and what not to eat. When to eat, and when not to eat.
Losing weight isn’t simple, and I know this is going to be a very long road, I just hope I have what it takes to weather the good and the bad, and get to my goal spot. Everyday, I am going to keep reaching, and reaching until I get to where I am going, I am going to clear my mind, and not let the scale hold me back.
I know as long as I keep focused, and I don’t let the scale take charge, I can do this. I know this is going to take me awhile, and although I wish the processes was faster, I supposed I am fine with it. The longer it takes the more likely I will to keep at it.
I wish I could say this is easy, but it’s not, and times I really don’t want to work out, and I do have to force myself, I cannot wait until I get to that point where the pain, and not the pain from working out, but the pain I have in my body is no more. I want only the pain from the working out, not the pain from my bones rubbing.
Anyways, I have 12 more days of the challenge, and I will not be putting the Journey Gym away when I am done, I will use this as my tool to reach my goals, no matter how long the journey is, I will get to where I need to be.
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