If you noticed I didn’t get a post up yesterday. I also didn’t work out yesterday. Yesterday, was cleaning day, we got the carpet cleaner out, and did some cleaning, by the time I went to workout I was to tired, and didn’t mess with it. Yes, I know, that is no excuse, I should have attempted to work out.
I am 56 days into the 70 day Journey Gym challenge, and have only two more weeks to go. I cannot believe I have worked out almost every single day for the past 56 days. That is like WOW, I have never worked out this much before, not willingly anyways.
We did a lot of walking when we were in Michigan, and that was helping a lot with the weight. I also did a lot on the wii, but never for this long. I always let the scale discourage me and I end up giving up. Not this time, I am going to keep it going, even after the 70 day challenge.
I have been getting discouraged because of the scales, and not knowing if I am taking my measurements the proper way, I am sure I am not, so until I start seeing like WOW results, I will still get depressed as if nothing is changing. I think I am getting results, but then at the same time, my brain is telling me I am doing it all wrong.
One day at a time, right?
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