I DID IT! I hit the half way mark of the 70 day Journey Gym Challenge, and I feel awesome! When I got the Journey Gym back in February I took off on it like a badass, thinking I knew what I was doing. I was only able to do 10 minutes at a time, and I sure wasn’t doing it daily like it’s intended to with the 70 day challenge.
I never made it to the full 20 minutes, now I am 35 days into the actual fitness challenge, and I am not only doing a 10 minute warm up, I am also doing a 20 minute workout. Now don’t get me wrong some of the things I cannot do, not that I don’t want to because some of it looks fun, but my knees will not allow it. So I do march in place and I keep on a moving. Just like Glen said the most important thing is we are all up and moving!
I am making some new goals for myself during the second half, I know this is going to be tough, but I am going to do my best, to do it… I am going to work on cutting carbs! Yup, carbs have to go if I want to reach my goals, this is going to be tough, like real tough, because I am a carb girl, I love my tortillas, pastas, and breads.
I am going to focus on more veggies, and more fruits, I know I can do this, by the time I am 35 I want to be under 200 pounds, that means I have a long way to go! Thankfully, I have my husband cheering me on, and telling me how awesome I am doing, and how proud he is of me. One day at a time.
Tomorrow I will be taking measurements, and next Sunday, I will be bringing you another video with an update.
35 days down 35 more days to go.
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