How to Introduce Music into Your Child’s Homeschool Curriculum

From time to time, Jammie and I like to supplement our daughters conventional homeschool curriculum with enrichment classes. We believe this gives homeschooled children a more diverse learning experience without the creative limitations of public school.

Since I’m the musically gifted member of the household, I’ve given myself the role of music teacher. While I’ve had nothing but success teaching our daughter science and helping with other subjects, Gillian shows little interest in learning to play an instrument.

I began our music class several years ago, and I started just like most other music teachers do. I explained the principles of beats, rhythm and notes. The number of beats in whole notes and fractions of notes was our primary focus, and she did very well since this is merely simple fractions.

The challenge I’ve most had, is convincing her to practice and play an instrument. I’ve recently started incorporating an Ocarina into her music curriculum, and she’s been learning to play some simple songs. She does well, but she’s not really interested in the Ocarina at all. Gillian wants to play the piano, and shes shown interest in a cheap yamaha p95 at wwbw. I got her a student guitar in the past, and she complained about the pain involved with pressing the strings down.

I want to invest in an instrument she will enjoy playing, but I don’t want the instrument to end up like another long forgotten toy. Introducing music into our homeschool curriculum has been successful for the most part, but finding the right Instrument for our child has proven to be very challenging. It can take time, patience and several attempts to find the best instrument for your homeschooler, but it’s well worth the effort to enrich their home-based learning experience.

About Allen Morey

Allen Morey is a freelance writer and co-developer of . His industry experience includes system administration, web design, SEO and marketing. Visit on Google+ for more information.

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