Using Shaving Cream Designed For You

I remember the first time I shaved my legs, I also remember the first time I attempted to shave my sister’s legs. I remember that one like it was yesterday, probably because that shaving lesson ended up with me having a red behind. Often times I wonder why as we grow older do we become hairy, shaving can be a chore and a nightmare all in one.

Have you ever attempted to shave while only using water? Ouch, this turns into a not so fun shave. I have done this several times only to have small little nicks. Those hurt more than a paper cut, and not to mention having to use small dots of toilet paper in order to stop the bleeding.

I have learned over the years when it comes to shaving using the best products out their intended for your gender is best!

To save money I would use my husband’s razors and shaving cream. I did this for years, it wasn’t until recently that I learned I wasn’t saving money at all, I was costing us more money. When you use products that are designed for your gender they work like they’re supposed to, while my husband’s shaving cream worked well, I always had to use more, and it never got my legs as soft as if I were to use shaving cream made for a women.

The razors were no different. I liked saving money, so I often used my husband’s razors. This always lead to missed hair and lots of nicks. If you have also done the same to save money you know all to well what I am talking about.

I am glad I decided to go with shaving products meant for me, it has cut shaving time back, saved me money, and my legs are silky soft. I am sure my husband is also thankful, because now when he needs a razor chances are he will find one!

How do you manage to get shaving products meant for you and not the male in the home, all while saving a little money?

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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