Trying To Understand

As I sit here trying to get some work done, my mind is left to drift in trying to understand the recent event that took place in Connecticut. All the innocent killed for no reason at all, I don’t understand what our world is turning into, where one feels violence is the answer. Now fingers will start to be pointed on who is at fault for what happened.

Those that don’t like guns will say gun laws need to be stricter, those that believe religion should be in schools, will say if God was allowed in schools this wouldn’t have had happened… But the truth of the matter is, this had nothing to do with the gun laws, it had nothing to do with God not being in schools. This had everything to do with Adam Lanza’s who was obviously mental unstable and needed help, but people failed to see that until it was to late.

Although, our detectives can come to a guess on why this took place, no one but Adam will know why he did the things he did the morning of the 14th.

Violence in our schools need to stop, I am not putting blame on the parents, I am stating that we as adults need to open our eyes more, and try to see when one is asking for help, we need to help our children go down the right path in life, or these shootings will not stop, they will only get worse.

When my daughter first started school, I held on to her at home for as long as I could. She was just turning 6 and going into kindergarten. This was shortly after the shooting that took place in 2006 in an Amish community in PA. When this event unfolded I knew in my heart I was going to homeschool my daughter.

Everyone around me was set against it, I heard all sorts of family members bad mouthing me about wanting to go this route. I was told I cannot protect my child forever, and I needed to let her go to public schools. I was told how good of a community this was and all sorts of other things to help ease my mind with sending her out into the real world.

After she was in school for about 3 months, I couldn’t take it no more. The thought, the not knowing, it was all to much for my anxiety. I pulled her out and we have taken the road to home school. While I know I cannot protect my daughter forever, I will do everything in my power to protect her for as long as I can.

While we may live in a good community, that matters not when it comes to a person who is sick and needs help. We have seen this many times over the past 10 years, that it matters not how great your community is, things like this happen. My heart goes out to all those families that lost a part of them Friday morning.

Hug your babies tighter, hold them longer, and don’t sweat the small things in life.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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